The War Service of the Medical Profession: A Survey including the Names of Civilian Physicians in Military Service and a Tabulation of Statistics by Counties and States. J Am Med Assoc, Jun 1918; 70: 1648: Pima County...AJO -- Austin Charles Wright; TUCSON -- Joel Ives Butler; I. E. Huffman.
Undated PCMS History Committee report
J Am Med Assoc, Jun 1918; 70: 1773: ORDERS TO OFFICERS OF MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS. Arizona. To Fort Des Moines, Ia., base hospital, Capts. ALBERT L. GUSTETTER, Nogales; JOEL L. BUTLER, Tuscon [sic].
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1928; 91: 660: Joel Ives Butler, Tucson, Ariz. ; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, 1901 ; member of the House of Delegates of the American Medical Association in 1917 ; formerly instructor in anatomy and clinical assistant in general urologie surgery at his alma mater, and instructor in surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven ; served during the World War ; on the staff of the Southern Methodist Hospital and Sanatorium and at one time on the staffs of the Springfield and Mercy hospitals, Springfield, Mass., and the New Haven (Conn.) Hospital ; aged 50 ; died, June 28, at Los Angeles, of sarcoma of the humerus.
Undated PCMS History Committee report
J Am Med Assoc, Jun 1918; 70: 1773: ORDERS TO OFFICERS OF MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS. Arizona. To Fort Des Moines, Ia., base hospital, Capts. ALBERT L. GUSTETTER, Nogales; JOEL L. BUTLER, Tuscon [sic].
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1928; 91: 660: Joel Ives Butler, Tucson, Ariz. ; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, 1901 ; member of the House of Delegates of the American Medical Association in 1917 ; formerly instructor in anatomy and clinical assistant in general urologie surgery at his alma mater, and instructor in surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven ; served during the World War ; on the staff of the Southern Methodist Hospital and Sanatorium and at one time on the staffs of the Springfield and Mercy hospitals, Springfield, Mass., and the New Haven (Conn.) Hospital ; aged 50 ; died, June 28, at Los Angeles, of sarcoma of the humerus.
Master pnID
Src2 PCMSMin
History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]
volume 1, page(s) 304-308
OHB Checked