Honorary member of the PCMS. Mentioned in the 3/1/1942 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954.
C. E. Buswell. Myocardial Impairment. United States Vet. Bur. M. Bull, Washington, D. C., 7:(May) 1931, pp. 463ff.
C. E. Buswell. Residuals of Gunshot Wounds. Military Surgeon, Washington, D. C., 81:(Oct.) 1937, pp. 271ff.
J Am Med Assoc, Jun 1918; 70: 1777: ORDERS TO OFFICERS OF MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS. New York. ... To Rockefeller Institute for instruction in the treatment of infected wounds, and on completion to Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga., base hospital, Lieut. CALVIN E. BUSWELL, Brooklyn.
J Am Med Assoc, Aug 1930; 95: 604: Changes in Veterans' Bureau Personnel. The July U. S. Veterans' Bureau Medical Bulletin announces the following changes in personnel of the Veterans' Bureau : ... REGIONAL OFFICES. Dr. Calvin E. Buswell, appointed at San Antonio, Texas.
C. E. Buswell. Myocardial Impairment. United States Vet. Bur. M. Bull, Washington, D. C., 7:(May) 1931, pp. 463ff.
C. E. Buswell. Residuals of Gunshot Wounds. Military Surgeon, Washington, D. C., 81:(Oct.) 1937, pp. 271ff.
J Am Med Assoc, Jun 1918; 70: 1777: ORDERS TO OFFICERS OF MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS. New York. ... To Rockefeller Institute for instruction in the treatment of infected wounds, and on completion to Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga., base hospital, Lieut. CALVIN E. BUSWELL, Brooklyn.
J Am Med Assoc, Aug 1930; 95: 604: Changes in Veterans' Bureau Personnel. The July U. S. Veterans' Bureau Medical Bulletin announces the following changes in personnel of the Veterans' Bureau : ... REGIONAL OFFICES. Dr. Calvin E. Buswell, appointed at San Antonio, Texas.
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