Bucher, William Henry

See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 331.
See also: McClintock, James H. Arizona, Prehistoric, Aboriginal, Pioneer, Modern; the Nation's Youngest Commonwealth within a Land of Ancient Culture. Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1916 (aka Arizona, the Youngest State), volume 3 (Biographical), page 684: One of the most able members of the medical profession in Arizona and a man whose ability in the practice of his profession is the outward expression of his close study and wide experience is Dr. William H. Bucher, now specializing in surgery in Kingman. He was born in Sunbury, Pennsylvania, on the 1st of January, 1874, and is a son of John W. and Mary (Faust) Bucher. The father, who was a prominent lumberman
in that state, came to Arizona in 1911 and has since lived retired. Dr. William H. Bucher acquired his early education in the public schools of his native state and was afterward a student in Bucknell University. He took his medical course in the Medico-Chirurgical College in Philadelphia and was graduated from that institution in 1896. He afterward practiced for some time in Pennsylvania but on the 5th day of April 1898, was commissioned by President McKinley, a surgeon in the United States Navy and continued in the service until 1911 when he retired as lieutenant commander. He then came to Kingman, Arizona and opened an office here, where he has already been carried forward into professional relations.

J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1915; LXV: 177: At the annual meeting of the Arizona State Medical Association, held at Prescott, the following officers were elected: president, Dr. Roy E. Thomas, Phoenix; vice presidents, Drs. Harry T. Southworth, Prescott ; James E. Drane, Jr., Mesa, and Albert W. Waneman, Douglas ; secretary, Dr. Clarence E. Yount, Prescott (reelected) ; delegate to the American Medical Association, Dr. Hiram W. Fenner, Tucson; alternate, Dr. Willard Smith, Phoenix; councilor for the middle district, Dr. E. Payne Palmer, Phoenix, and for the northern district, Dr. William H. Bucher, Kingman.
J Am Med Assoc, Dec 1927;89(27):2276: William Henry Bucher; Lieutenant Commander, U. S. Navy, retired, Olive View, Calif. ; Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia, 1896 ; was appointed surgeon with the rank of lieutenant commander in 1903 and was retired in 1909; aged 53; died, September 13, at Los Angeles.
J Am Med Assoc, Jan 1928; 90: 134: CORRECTION. Dr. Bucher Is Not Dead. Dr. W. H. Bucher, superintendent of the Olive View Sanatorium, Olive View, Calif., writes that the report of his death in The Journal, Dec. 31, 1927, was a mistake. The basis of our report was a notice in California and Western Medicine.
J Am Med Assoc, Feb 1935; 104: 581: William Henry Bucher; Lieut., Commander, U. S. Navy, retired, Olive View, Calif. ; Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia, 1896; entered the navy in 1898 and retired in 1909 for incapacity resulting from an incident of service; veteran of the Spanish-American and World wars; medical superintendent of the Olive View Sanatorium ; aged 60 ; died, Dec. 30, 1934, at his home in San Fernando, of pneumonia.
J Am Med Assoc, Jan 1936; 106: 302: California. Dr. Edwin S. Bennett has been appointed medical director of Olive View Sanatorium, succeeding the late Dr. William H. Bucher.
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History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]
volume 1, page(s) 286
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Olive View CA