Hired to handle the public relations of AMA. Mentioned in the 1949-03-07-02. Wikipedia: “Clem Whitaker and Leone Baxter were a husband-and-wife team that started the first true political consulting firm in the United States of America, named Campaigns, Inc.”
J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1949; 139: 799: The Council of the New England State Medical Societies will hold a meeting March 27 beginning at 1:30 p. m. at the Copley Plaza, Boston, on voluntary medical care plans in the region. ... The meeting will open with a discussion of the national education campaign of the American Medical Association by Mr. Clem Whitaker, campaign director and Leone Baxter, general manager of the campaign....
J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1952; 150: 494: WHITAKER AND BAXTER RESIGN A. M. A. ASSIGNMENT. A. M. A. President Louis H. Bauer announced Sept. 22 that Dr. Elmer L. Henderson, Louisville, Kentucky, chairman of the A. M. A. Coordinating Committee, and Clem Whitaker and Leone Baxter, directors of the A. M. A. National Education Campaign, have resigned their A. M. A. assignments.
Dr. Henderson has served as chairman of the Coordinating Committee since its creation in January, 1949, to supervise American medicine's nationwide campaign of public education against compulsory health insurance. Whitaker and Baxter have served as managing directors of the campaign since its inception. "The A. M. A., as a nonpartisan, professional organization, is barred, both ethically and legally, from participating in election campaigns, which explains the action of Dr. Henderson and Mr. Whitaker and Miss Baxter in asking for their release from A. M. A. duties," Dr. Bauer said, adding: "The Association will take no part in the presidential election, except to join with other nonpartisan groups in urging all eligible voters to cast their ballots on election day, regardless of their affiliations or preferences. Individual doctors, of course, are entirely free to engage in election activities and, in fact, have a very real responsibility to make their influence felt for good government." ...
J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1949; 139: 799: The Council of the New England State Medical Societies will hold a meeting March 27 beginning at 1:30 p. m. at the Copley Plaza, Boston, on voluntary medical care plans in the region. ... The meeting will open with a discussion of the national education campaign of the American Medical Association by Mr. Clem Whitaker, campaign director and Leone Baxter, general manager of the campaign....
J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1952; 150: 494: WHITAKER AND BAXTER RESIGN A. M. A. ASSIGNMENT. A. M. A. President Louis H. Bauer announced Sept. 22 that Dr. Elmer L. Henderson, Louisville, Kentucky, chairman of the A. M. A. Coordinating Committee, and Clem Whitaker and Leone Baxter, directors of the A. M. A. National Education Campaign, have resigned their A. M. A. assignments.
Dr. Henderson has served as chairman of the Coordinating Committee since its creation in January, 1949, to supervise American medicine's nationwide campaign of public education against compulsory health insurance. Whitaker and Baxter have served as managing directors of the campaign since its inception. "The A. M. A., as a nonpartisan, professional organization, is barred, both ethically and legally, from participating in election campaigns, which explains the action of Dr. Henderson and Mr. Whitaker and Miss Baxter in asking for their release from A. M. A. duties," Dr. Bauer said, adding: "The Association will take no part in the presidential election, except to join with other nonpartisan groups in urging all eligible voters to cast their ballots on election day, regardless of their affiliations or preferences. Individual doctors, of course, are entirely free to engage in election activities and, in fact, have a very real responsibility to make their influence felt for good government." ...
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