Abrams, Albert

1863-1924. “Abrams Treatment” referred to in the 01-08-1923 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954. See http://www.americanartifacts.com/smma/abrams/abrams.htm: “In the first quarter of the 20th century, Albert Abrams, M.D. devised what may be the greatest medical hoax of all time....Albert Abrams, a native of San Francisco, received an M.D. from the University of Heidelberg in 1882 at 18-20 years old, depending on which of several recorded birth dates is correct.”

J Am Med Assoc, Jan 1925; 84: 374: California. The Abrams Estate. After nearly a year of litigation over the estate of the late Dr. Albert Abrams, a compromise agreement has been reached by which the so-called "College of Electronic Medicine," which Abrams made heir to the bulk of his estate, shall retain certain paraphernalia and certain funds ; but the bulk of the estate, estimated at $2,000,000, will be divided among individual heirs. It is reported that the "college" building, now nearly completed, at Hyde and Sutter streets, San Francisco, would be left to the institution, as well as numerous oscilloclasts, and that the "college" will be left to work out its own future with funds allowed which are sufficient for present maintenance.
J Am Med Assoc, Jan 1926; 86: 122: California. Abrams Estate Sued. It is reported that the United States is suing the estate of the late Dr. Albert Abrams, founder of the notorious "electronic reactions of Abrams," for $500,000 alleged to be due the country because of income tax evasions from 1920 to 1924.

J Am Med Assoc, Dec 1901; XXXVII: 1692: The following is a list of new [AMA] members for the month of November, 1901 : ... CALIFORNIA. Abrams, Albert, San Francisco.
J Am Med Assoc, Jan 1924; 82: 226: Albert Abrams, San Francisco ; University of Heidelberg, Germany, 1882; known for his sponsorship of spondylotherapy and electronic school of medicine; aged 60; died, January 13, of pneumonia.
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San Francisco CA