Letters from above authors concerning the establishment of the mission at Basanopa first in this series begins with numero 107.
Serial Number
Merino, Manuel
Nava, Pedro de
Puertollano, Ysidoro de (Padre)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Lorenzo, Estevan (Obispo de Durango)
End date
Chihuagua/Mexico/Monterey/aripe. July 12, 1792 - November 28, 1792. 44p. Approximate letters. Originals/copies. Surrounding communities of the San Xavier mission of baborigame and how the indians are not receiving the proper religious instruction because the priest has so far to travel and a recommendation that another mission be established under same synod; gives population statistics; recommendation of Borica that mission be established in basanopa and have under its jurisdiction the communities of tohallana, cinco llagas, and tenoriba, gives distances from the existing mission of all the communities; sealed letter that gives sanction to the plans for mission establishment, urges nava to keep conde informed on developments; the sum of 390 pesos associated with the annual synod payment and relating this information to the junta superior; the fiscales of the junta superior signing of a letter approving sum of 390 pesos for establishment of mission; letter of the real hazienda taking note of the letter of the junta superior; request for the involvement and cooperation of obispo of Durango in this project; cone's order to have the intendente of area give nava the 390 pesos for the annual synod and also the request made to obispo de Durango that he cooperate with nava in this establishment; letter to intendente requesting the 390 pesos; bishop of Durango's concern that mission in question May not be operational due to lack of priests or religious personnel, mentions various orders like the colegio de Zacatecas, recoleccion de San Diego, and colegio religiosos fransiscos recolectos de pachuca, the latter the only one capable of providing personnel but problematic since they provide personnel to the entire area known as the frontera, notes that he currently has 19 religious establishments (missions and presidios) without the necessary personnel to man them; letter written by conde outlining needs and requests of the bishop in previous letter addressed to el fiscal de la real hazienda; letter sent to puertollano complying with request to inform him as to how many people he May have available for bishop's use, advises him that document signed in Madrid prohibits him from sending out additional personnel for the purpose of servicio de doctrinas, curatos and others related to conversiones and reducciones, gives number of priests under his command and describes demands made on such a small group, informs conde that he has sent out 5 misioneros to him and that unless he is allowed to recruit priests from europe he will not be able to meet the needs of both the bishops of Durango and linares; sealed letter by merino advising him of above letter and the prohibition of using the 5 religiosos mentioned earlier for curatos y doctrinas; letter from conde to obispo de Durango telling him what the response has been to the request made of puertollano; transmittal of information to puertollano on the use of the 5 religiosos he has provided lorenzo; nava's informing virrey that he will begin with the establishment of the mission on his return from vizcaya. (O. Velez, February 1989)
Ochoa, Josef (Teniente)
Rosas de Jesus, Fransisco (Vice Presidente)
Borica, Diego
Lorenzo, Estevan (Obispo de Durango)
Puertollano, Ysidoro de (Fray)
Merino, Manuel
Nava, Pedro de
Baborigame, San Xavier de (Mision)
Baborigame, Santa Rosa de (Pueblo)
Guerachie, San Ignacio de (Pueblo)
Tenoriba (Pueblo)
Cinco Llagas
Guicavo (Mision)
Cajurichio (Mision)
Coahuila (Mision)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 015-037 (Approx) exp. 1
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 015-037 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; the first in this series begins with the found above in title phrase
Reference Number
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