Letter to viceroy concerning arrival to presidio Adays to take office of governor after a month on road.
Serial Number
Bustillo Zevallos, Juan Antonio (Gobernador)
Adays, Nuestra Senora del Pilar de los. May 22, 1731. 28p. Letters. Informe. Signed.
Various documents to viceroy including letters from Bustillo about his walk for a month from presidio Bahia to Adays to take over office of governor, carrying supplies of flour, cattle, horses, sheep, clothing, describing hardship and lack of watering holes thru journey. Bustillo indicates to viceroy his perception about Indians of area stressing his wanting to remain friendly with them, governor visits each town for 24 hours, sending his own horse to bring to a meeting a doubting chief. Governor wants to replace soldiers of color quebrado who he thinks are not to smart as Spaniards, fills Plaza of liutenant and Alferez for presidio in temporary Basis as title holders are sick, pays salaries to soldiers stressing not to advance monies in liu of salary but only providing soldiers with supplies. Governor makes lists of inventories of crown properties including armament, makes a military roll in which copy he calls himself gobernador y capitan general de las provincias de Thexas y Nueva philipinas, governor also indicates lack of gunpowder for cannons; reports trade between Frenchmen and Indians, French bring vegetables to trade for soap, tobacco, Chocolate with soldiers of presidio. Two Frenchmen request license to trade openly with Indians but governor negates license as he believes there are to many arms and ammunition among Indians which he believes the French have provided. (A. Dell'acqua, January 1988)
Bustillo y Zevallos, Juan Antonio (Gobernador)
Bergara, Joseph Cayetano (Teniente)
Gonzales, Joseph (Alferez)
Mediavilla y Ascona, Melchor (Gobernador)
Acuna, Juan de (Marquez de Casa Fuerte, Virrey)
Buena de Almoren, Juan (Teniente)
Munoz de Mora, Phelipe (Alferez)
Osora, Manuel Antonio del (Sargento)
Thexas (Provincia)
Espiritu Santo, Bahia del (Presidio)
San Antonio (Presidio)
Adays, Nuestra Senora del Pilar de los (Presidio)
Nachitos (Indian Town)
Avidachos, San Pedro de los
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 236 ff. 008-022
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 236 ff. 008-022
Letters in margin of documents written by brigadier Rivera advising viceroy on procedures to follow regarding original letter by Bustillos which viceroy comply to such advice.
Reference Number
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