Prisons (Women)

Budgets and details of repairs needed to buildings of the real sala del crimen in Mexico. Repairs to casa del mayorazgo in Puebla.

Serial Number
Mascaro, Francisco (Ingeniero)
Castera, Ignacio de (Maestro)
Lerda, Juan Francisco
End date
Mexico. November 19, 1790 to August 8, 1791. 86p. Informes. Cuentas. Budgets. Letters. Copies. Originals. Signed.
Details and budgets of repairs on real carcel de Corte of real Sala del Crimen in Mexico by ingeniero Mascaro. Urgent repairs needed on dungeon and repair and enlargement of men's and women's prisons to avoid misconduct among inmates. Budget for dungeon prepared by Castera and funds approved by real hacienda. Ff. 25-27 good description of physical layout of surrounding area of carcel de Corte and types of people using the Callejon leading to entrance. Proximity to Alcalde's residence danger to official's families by criminals. Need for better security and cleanliness to instill good behavior in prisoners. Mascaro forcefully defends need for better social conditions for prisoners as well as welfare of officials. Ff. 29-31 budget of Mascaro for work on Alcalde's Palace, and prisions. Recommendations for solutions to problems, such as building new entrance to prisons. Series of documents on fiscal matters and royal ordances. Work began February 24 and concluded April 16, 1791. Ff. 36-50 lists of payrolls for workers on project, broken down by administrators, skilled workmen and laborers, for Series of inclusive dates. Details of materials purchased for repairs. Ff. 51-58 repairs to Casa del Mayorazgo, Puebla (See folios 1-8) to eliminate disorders in area of ruined factory. Cleaning out accumulated rubbish from area urgent. (J. M. Johnson, November 1988)
Luzero, Rafael
Castera, Ignacio de (Maestro)
Chavez, Luis de
Saavedra, Francisco
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Lerda, Juan Francisco
Camparazon, Agustin de
Aguirre, Guillermo
Gutierrez, Luis
Corral, Juan Antonio
Mascaro, Francisco (Ingeniero)
Mascaro, Manuel Agustin (Ingeniero)
Sandoval, Felix
Anda, Juan Francisco (Gobernador de Sala)
Lopez de la Paliza, Juan Antonio
Emparan, Agustin de
Valle de Orizaba, Conde de
Martinez del Campo, Jose Maria
Dominguez, Francisco
Gutierrez del Mazo, Ramon
Minieses Altamirano, Pablo
San Carlos (Real)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 121 ff. 016-058
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 121 ff. 016-058
Most documents preceded by frame with summary and/or have accurate marginal notes. Many frames badly Filmed, parts not legible. Marginal notes cut off. Some repeated or blank frames. This entry continuation of folios 1-15.
Reference Number
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