Municipal Administration Spanish

Autos by Munoz against Cabildos from Santa Barbara, Santo Domingo and Santa Maria at Nuevo Santander.

Serial Number
Ixart, Francisco
Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador)
Rodriguez, Antonio (Teniente)
End date
Santa barvara. January 23, 1790. 98p. Autos. Copies. Originals. Signed.
Concerns autos by Munoz against Cabildos (municipal administrative heads) from Santa Barbara, Santo Domingo and Santa Maria. Former Cabildos, Actual ones and colaborators as well as others are accused of being using ilegal Medidas (grain measures) in trade transactions. All the accused in the three Villas volunteer (self-punishment) money, which is to be used in the construction of a jail, administrative offices, and one food storage (Alondiga). Includes a relation by Ixart of the money spent by Munos in various issues. (R. Gomez, September 1989)
Ramirez, Antonio (Teniente)
Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador)
Aros, Fernando de
Munguia, Francisco
Velasquez, Antonio
Hernandez, Nicolas
Garzia, Francisco
Barbose, Francisco
Santos, Ventura de Lo
Gomez, Tomas
Castillo, Maria
Flores, Balerio
Garzia, Marselo
Ojeda, Petra de
Martin, Zeferino
Gaitan, Manuel
Juarez, Jose Maria
Rodriguez, Miguel
Martin, Julian
Gutierrez, Gavriel
Garcia, Domingo
Camacho, Diego
Carrillo, Juan
Castillo, Maria
Ibarra, Gregorio de (Teniente)
Salinas, Alejandro (Regidor)
Parrales, Ylario
Torrecilla, Ylario
Guanafuato, Felipe
Zamora, Eusebio
Piti, Ylario
Saenz, Antonio
Damian, Domingo
Barreda, Giordano
Fernandez, Nicolas
Rodriguez, Ignacio (Teniente)
Perez, Antonio
Ixart, Francisco
Montelongo, Antonio (Procurador)
Cordova, Miguel
Casteneda, Zeferino
Fernandez, Juan de Dios
Asperigueta, Christoval Santiago de
Pariente Estrada, Josei
Santa Barvara (Villa)
Guemez, San Francisco de (Villa)
Santo Domingo (Villa)
Aguayo, Santa Maria de
San Carlos (Villa)
Bustamante, Blas De
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 134 ff. 551-600 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 134 ff. 551-600 (Appro
No folio numbers.
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