Routine administrative correspondence between Bustamante, captain of presidio of Guajoquilla, and virrey.
Serial Number
Bustamante y Tagle, Bernardo Antonio de (Capitan)
End date
Guajoquilla. January 1, 1761 through August 27, 1769. 82pp. Letters, ordenes. Signed, drafts.
Bustamante congratulates virrey on arrival in Nueva Espana relocation of Guajoquilla (f. 287). Cover letter and memorial and certification of gunpowder used at Guajoquilla (ff. 288-290). Berroteran acknowledges receipt of viceregal Despacho (f. 291). Virrey acknowledges Berroteran's role in making peace with Apaches (f.292). Bustamante explains tardiness in responding to unavailability of Mexico-bound letter carriers (f. 293). Virrey approves Bustamante's nominees for positions of subordinate officers at Guajoquilla (f. 294). Virrey disapproves of Bustamante's refusal to pursue Indians that stole horses, mules (f. 295). Bustamante sends virrey names of subordinate officers (ff. 286-287). Bustamante explains to Campo y Larrea his refusal to assist in pursuit of Indians that stole horses, mules from San Bartholome (ff. 298-299). Bustamante acknowledges receipt of plan y mapa from virrey (f. 300). Cover letters for certificacion y memorial de Polvora for years '63,'64 (ff. 301-303). Virrey acknowledges receipt of 304). Bustamante assures virrey that Rubi's orders will be followed (f. 306). Bustamante, at age 62, humbly requests military discharge from real servicio (ff. 307-309). Bustamante assures virrey that he will follow Cuellar's orders (f. 310). Bustamante acknowledges receipt of viceregal order stating that cash wages be payed to subordinate presidio officers (ff. 311,312). Bustamante acknowledges receipt of virrey's letter certificacion de Polvora for '67 (f. 314). Military roster of Guajoquilla executed January 4, '68. Includes name, rank, age, length of service of presidio soldiers, plus list of equipment owned by each (f. 315). Virrey acknowledges receipt of
Bustamante y Tagle, Bernardo Antonio de (Capitan)
Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey)
Berroteran, Joseph
Aguero, Carlos de (Gobernador)
Ronquillo, Pedro Eugenio
Gomez de la Torre, Manuel
Morales, Miguel Antonio
Trujillo, Francisco
Mendoza, Matheo Antonio de (Coronel)
Asquece y Armendariz, Carlos de
Ibargoien de la Zarca, Francisco Ignacio
Campo y Larria, Joseph de
Gonzalez de Rueda, Francisco
Gonzalez de Rueda, Manuel
Rubi, Marques de (Mariscal de Campo)
Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Cuellar, Lope de (Comandante)
Guaxuquilla, Santa Maria de las Caldas de (Presidio)
Nueva Vizcaya (Provincia)
San Buenaventura (Valle)
Chiguagua, San Phelipe El Real de (Villa)
Veracruz (Ciudad)
San Bartholome (Valle)
Florido (Rio)
Mapimi (Real)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Guejuquilla, Compania Volante de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 095 ff. 283-324
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 095 ff. 283-324
Reference Number
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