Letters from Castro, Conde de Revilla Gigedo and others concerning jurisdiction in Castros assignment as commandante general of the Provincias Internas del oriente first in this series begins with solicitud del commandante general.
Serial Number
Emparan, Miguel Jose de
Castro, Ramon de
Vaamonde, Manuel
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan
End date
Monclova, Santa Rosa, Monterrey. March29, 1791-April 11, 1792. 62pp. Approximate letters. Copies, originals. Letter recognizing Castro as commandante general of the provincias oriente formerly coronel; history of post above which had been filled earlier by Ugarte y Loyola, nava, and ugalde but as brigadieres only; letter from an unnamed higher authority stating that Castro's scope of authority is military only and does not include political or economic matters as assumed earlier; letter discussing title of job being discussed and its duties, salary, personnel requirements, and Castro's difference of opinion on these matters; flores' view that the six provincias that Castro is in charge of are too large for anyone to carry out military, economic and political duties at the same time, names the six provincias involved, states that personnel directly under the virrey will be in charge of the latter two areas; Castro replies to above letter by stating that even if duties are only military he still needs help of an asesor and secretaria and adds that his inability to remove those people involved in the justice system who are not fulfilling their duties hampers his military function and is testimony to the fact that his authority needs to be more encompassing; vaamonde's letter to virrey stating that his job in the province of nuevo leon has political and economic jurisdiction and Castro's claim to these is unfounded; Castro feels that conflict described above could hamper his ability to perform duties if he runs into resistance from those whose domain were threatened; letter from Gutierrez de la cueva telling virrey conde de Revilla gigedo that he will publish virrey's order that Castro be given political authority in the Provincias Internas del oriente in same manner that Castro's post was given same authority in the Provincias Internas del poniente; letter from el conde de la sierragorda assenting to the above; last two letters between conde de Revilla gigedo and Castro summing up the conflict and correspondence about the same with the final determination that Castro's primary role is military but that he has authority to publish circular orders to the governors of the Provincias Internas del oriente but must have them approved by virrey conde de Revilla gigedo. (O. Velez, August 1989)
Emparan, Miguel Jose de
Castro, Ramon de (Commandante General)
Vaamonde, Manuel
Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan (Secretaria)
Flores, Manuel Antonio
Ygalde, Juan (Brigadier)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Brigadier)
Nava, Pedro de
Valdes, Antonio
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Santa Rosa (Valle de)
San Luis Potosi
California (Provincia)
Sonora (Provincia)
Nueva Vizcaya (Provincia)
Texas (Provincia)
Nuevo Santander
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 366-397 (Approx) exp. 7
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 366-397 (Appro
Folios unnumbered. First in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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