Military Assignments

Nombramiento para gobernador de la colonia del Nuevo Santander es el teniente coronel de Extremadura don Francisco Lopez.

Serial Number
Arredondo, Joaquin (Comandante General)
Lopez, Francisco (Gobernador)
End date
Texas, Monterrey, Aguayo, Marina. February 5, 1814-June 28, 1815. 52p. Letters. Originals, copies.
Arredondo replaces Juanicotena with Lopez as governor of the Colonia de Nuebo Santander because of Juanicotena's illness; index of letters in this sequence; Calleja approves personnel change; questions put forth on issue of Lopez being entitled to property pertaining to his post since he will be acting as an interim governor only, and similar question pertaining to salary; administrative letter from Lopez to Arredondo dealing with shipment of tobacco received from factory in Veracruz; Cisneros relates to Arredondo incident in which he had travel restrictions placed upon his person in connection wit goods belonging to him that were seized, names Lopez and alcalde of Marina as responsible; Lopez responds in detail to accusation that he treated Cisneros unjustly in matter of the seizure of his goods, noncompliance with directive sent through Aguado, and travel restriction declared by alcalde of Marina; letter from Lopez to Arredondo protesting Guerra's involvement in this matter insofar as he is a military official and he should not have involved himself in a purely civil matter; gobernador can only use a person of sargent rank or lower to be his scribe on military matters and Guerra as military officer receiving salary from the king should not be involved in civil matters - should be sent immediately to Aguayo where he is needed in the secretaria'; Arredondo threatens Lopez if he does not promptly comply with order to send Guerra, mentions possible judicial proceedings against Lopez by Cisneros in matter of seizure of goods and detention; letter from Arredondo giving Juanicotena leave from his duties as governor of Nuebo Santander; Lopez interprets Arredonda's sending him suddenly to Texas as an affront and asks the virrey that he be allowed to go to San Luis Potosi. (O. Velez, September 1989)
Lopez, Francisco (Gobernador, Teniente)
Juanicotena, Juan Fermin (Ex Gobernador)
Cisneros, Jose Maria
Arredondo, Joaquin (Comandant General)
Calleja, Felix Maria (Virrey)
Portugal, Fernando (Administrador de Renta)
Rodriguez, Antonio
Guerra, Jua (Alferez)
Aguado, Juan (Apoderado de Cisneros)
Equilios, Miguel
Perea, Lino (Alferez)
Bursunaris, Tomas de (Mariscal de Campo)
Chabarri, Ramon (Teniente de Dragones Provinciales)
Echeandia, Juan Jose de (Teniente Coronel)
Garza, Jose Rafael de (Cura)
Nuebo Santander
San Luis Potosi
Tampico (Pueblo)
Aguayo (Villa)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 227 ff. 080-105 exp.4
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 227 ff. 080-105 exp. 4
On f. 0087, second title appears in this sequence: El teniente coronel de Extremadura don Francisco Lopez sre haver sido despojado del gobierno de la colonia del Nuebo Santander.
Reference Number
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