1327. Californias Ibarra. Ano de 1774. Numero 1098. expediente promovido por el ilustrisimo senor obispo de Guadalaxara y jueces hacedores de la Santa Iglesia de Valladolid
Serial Number
Sierra, Pedro Manuel de (Contador)
Mangino, Fernando Joseph
Valiente, Pedro
and others
End date
Guadalaxara. September 30, 1774-October 12, 1774. Autos. Signed, copies. 28p.
Autos concerning the excommunication of administrator Valiente for avoiding payment of diezmos. Letter from Michoacan to virrey accusing Valiente of avoiding payment. jueces hacedores of Valladolid and Guadalaxara claim that the Diezmos are for their own churches. Valiente request advice from fiscal Mangino in the matter of the diezmos and the excommunication. Mangino informs virrey of the charges against Valiente and requests his judgment. Accounting relacion of payments made by several administrators from the mission of California since 1743 till 1768, with the amounts of payment. Letter from bishop of Guadalaxara claiming that the diezmos from Valiente belong to his church, that those haciendas were exempt from paying Diezmos when administered by Jesuits. (D. Bautista, February 1990)
Faxardo, Salvador Jose (Cura)
Valiente, Pedro
Martin y Arguijo, Miguel
Gonzalez de Paredes, Pedro Joseph (Capitan)
Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador)
Mangino, Fernando Joseph
Sierra, Pedro Manuel de (Contador)
Aguiar, Maria Encarnacion
Marmolejo, Eugenio Antonio
Pardo, Nicolas Jose
Arias, Jose Lucas
Gallardo, Josef Francisco
Arteaga, Matheo Joseph
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey)
Tompes, Juan Francisco
Prieto, Mathias
Serrano, Diego Isidro
Camarena, Pedro
Armesto, Juan de
Velazquez, Agustin
Lanzagorta, Jose
Sierra, Miguel de la
Garcia de Roxas, Antonio
Campa Cos, Diego de la
Segura, Josef Joachin
Flores Alatorre, Vicente Antonio
Colomo, Balthazar
Landeta, Francisco Joseph
Serrano, Juan Xavier (Contador)
Aguilar, Juan Narciso
Valladolid (Iglesia)
Reynera (Hacienda)
San Pedro de Ibarra
Nuevo Santander
San Felipe (Villa)
San Miguel El Grande (Villa)
Ovejas (Hacienda)
Nuevo Reyno de Leon
Padilla (Villa)
Banon (Hacienda)
Trancas (Hacienda)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 195 ff. 336-350 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 195 ff. 336-350 (Appro
This series of documents can be found with the phrase found in the title above.
Reference Number
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