Indians (Treason And Rebellion)

Letters about Indian rebellion and accusations of military incompetence in defending area.

Serial Number
Serna, Vizente de la (Justicia Mayor)
Revillagigedo (Virrey)
End date
Presas del rey, divina pastora de las. November 2, 1790. 114p. Letter. Informe. Auto. Peticion. Signed.
Documents relating to complaints by founder of Villa Presas del Rey to governor about Indian uprisings and lack of military detachment to stop incursions, accusing teniente Serna of incompetence for taking military force away. Also accuses governor of not being strong enough to rule. Fiscal and viceroy question lack of communication from Villa. Viceroy orders governor to imprison teniente Serna but due to Indian uprisings, governor sends Serna to fight instead, explaining to viceroy why teniente was absent from Presas del Rey. Teniente Serna in a letter to viceroy explains his conduct accusing capitan de la Serna of cruelty toward Indians. Neighbors write viceroy requesting change of justicia mayor accusing capitan de la Serna of depredations. Documents of census of families living in Presas del Rey. Capitan de la Serna gives possession of land grants to people from Presas del Rey. ('acqua, September 1987)
Serna, Joseph Vizente de la (Capitan)
Serna Antonio de la (Teniente)
Escandon, Jose Manuel (Conde de la Sierra Gorda) (Gobernador)
Guaras, Joseph (Visitador Religioso)
Gutierrez de las Cuevas, Juan (Visitador Militar)
Cantun, Salbador (Sargento)
Tijerina, Jose Antonio (Sargento)
Palacios, Juan Fernando (Mariscal de Campo)
Croix, Marquez de (Virrey)
Gonsalez de Santianes, Vicente (Gobernador)
Gonzales, Miguel
Vacanegra, Alexandro
Delgado Rodriguez, Francisco
Cerna Mecos de Paz, Joseph Estevan (Teniente)
Murjiez, Juan Maria (Capitan)
Quintero, Gabriel (Fray)
Sosa, Gabriel
Davila, Jose Antonio
Bega, Miguel
Nuncio, Pedro
Sanchez, Manuel
Davila, Calletano
Dabila, Cirilo
Benavides, Francisco
Gozales, Sebastian
Dabila, Christobal
Palacio, Vicente
Errera, Jose Antonio
Ribas, Jose
Almague, Blas
Rosales, Martina
Claudio, Francisco
Almaguey, Macimo
Fernandez, Gregorio
Cantun, Bicente
Mancilla, Encarnacion
Medrano, Francisco Antonio
Cantu, Jose Luis
Sanchez, Francisco
Cuellar, Rafael
Molina, Pedro
Garcia, Casimiro
Casa, Joseph
Garcia, Juan Joseph
Garcia, Polito
Garsia, Jacobo
Ojeda, Agustin
Zapato, Marcelo
Gracia, Josef Leonicio
Gallegos, Jose Casiano
Alcantara, Pedro
Garza, Josef Maria de la
Longoria, Juan
Estrada, Salvador
Lambert, Pedro
Trevino, Jose
Luna, Joaquin
Bargas, Domingo
Serna, Antonio
Serna, Lazaro de la
Silva, Antonio
Silva, Agabo
Paredes, Thomas
Cruz, Diego de la
Mata Gutierrez, Pedro
Serna, Juan de Dios
Mungia, Diego
Leal Pena, Josef
Mansilla, Santiago
Serna, Lifonso
Rivera, Ricardo
Bargas, Miguel
Garza, Valentin de la
Pisana, Josef Antonio
Mata Gutierrez, Juan de
Gallegos, Rafael
Sanchez, Josef Marcello
Rodriguez, Antonio
Rodriguez, Josef Lazaro
Rodriguez, Josef Sesario
Buenrostro, Josef Maria
Bisuete, Mariano (Fray)
Cantu, Antonio
Leal, Juan
Reyes, Diego
Presas del Rey, Divina Pastora de las (Villa)
Tampico (Provincia)
Santillana (Villa)
Tamaulipas (Sierra)
Padilla (Villa)
Soto la Marina (Puerto)
Orcacitas (Ciudad)
San Vicente (Mision)
San Luis Potosi (Ciudad)
Altamira (Villa)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Primera Compania Volante de Santander
Segunda Compania Volante de Santander.
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 040 ff. 437-494
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 040 ff. 437-494
See ff. 265-437. Most of documents in this Volume are about foundation and needs of villa de las presas del rey. Due to the variety of documents, artificial separations have been made to make sense in precis. Ethnographical explanation of effective possession of land grants given.
Reference Number
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