visita de la jurisdiccion del oro con que dio cuenta el comisionado, y se remitio al senor comandante general don Pedro de Nava ....
Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
End date
Mexico, estancia de rio florido, Chihuahua. February 16, 1791 - September 18, 1792. 30pp. Approximate. Letters. Originals, copies. Being abstacted here; submittal of the diario de comision and quaderno by Borica; resumption of visita throughout Nueva Vizcaya by Borica in accordance with orders received by Revilla gigedo despite the deterioration of the horses with one of the primary purposes of checking the abuse of indians within the mission system; diario de comision written for visita mentioned above; suspension of Borica's visita due to the rainy season in the remaining jurisdictions to be inspected, decision made to wait so that a proper inspection can be made, delaying the submittal of the recommendations made for the jurisdictions already inspected until entire visita conducted, no incidences of fugitive missions in areas visited so far, problems have emerged on use of indians by jueces and misioneros without remuneration and also in the administration of justice system; Borica fulfilling the duties of ayudante inspector in the villa where he is located until the rainy season passes; content of Borica's visits which include information on Spanish and indian populations, haciendas and ranches, pardon of 4 prisoners sentenced to death, 6 thieves, aprehension of various delinquents and fugitive indians from the missions and their rehabilitation, population figures for indians and comments on their activities and unjust use of their labour in agriculture performed for others, remedied this last situation, prohibited the continuation of having indians punished by judges and stimulatd them to respect ministers and apply themselves to the christian religion, inspected archives of the ruling bodies of the 24 jurisdictions for their improvement and coordination, in each pueblo a file established during visita noting number of indians in each, local circumstances, language spoken, character, property owned collectively and individually, pressures they felt and what Borica did to alleviate these, the fact that other measures still need to be implemented, advises haste on the latter, nava seeks virrey's guidance on measures still to be implemented; sealed letter from virrey conde de Revilla gigedo to the fiscal de lo civil summarizing the activities and correspondence associated with Borica's visita as has been done above; acknowledgement made by virrey of correspondence from nava on subject of Borica's visits. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Florida (Estancia)
Nueva Vizcaya
Nombre de Dios
Andres de la Sierra
Oro (Real de)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 101-116 (Approx) exp. 5
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 101-116 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title.
Reference Number
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