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Serial Number
Guerra, Jose Lorenzo
Feliu y Fogores, Andres
Canalizo, Antonio Ramon
and others
End date
Monterrey. September 24, 1799-October 15, 1799. 58p. Informe. Original, unsigned, copies.
List of 20 suggestions for handling the religious construction halted by Llanos y Valdes (bishop) before of his death, para averiguar la realidad. the Author, unnamed, thought it important to list and interpret these for the recipient of this information. The listing is followed by such an interpretation. The author hoped for a response from the recipient, named only as vuestro Senor Dean y Cavildo de la Santa Yglesia del Nuevo Reyno de Leon. the discussion is the same as it has been why the bishop halted the construction; the salary paid to the architect; in general, the economics of the matter; the fact that the bishop independently decided to move the episcopal seat to Saltillo (it is pointed out that the route from Monterrey to Saltillo, which would be taken to move the construction materials, went over the Sierra Madres and past indios barbaros); that he failed to give sacraments to many including some who died without receiving them; etc. Also, mention is made of the bishop using the threat of excommunication in Cases which the author considered trivial y de ninguna importancia (number 8 in the informe, ff.179) and he mentioned the excommunication of Blanco (number 9, ff.179). Ff.183 contains list of goods received by Urgarte y Bungoa from Llanos y Valdes, the bishop whom the controversy surrounds, including priests clothing and religious items (chalice, mass book, etc). (S. Langmack, April 1990)
Blanco, Joseph (Capitan)
Ugarte y Bungoa, Domingo de (Rector del Colegio Seminario)
Llanos y Valdes, Andres Ambrosio de (Obispo)
Feliu y Fogores, Andres
Canalizo, Antonio Ramon
Lopez Prieto, Matias
Ymas y Altolaguirre, Andres
Urgartechea, Jose Joachin de
Landazuri, Cayetano de
Garza, Jose Cayetano de la
Navarro, Sanchez
Guerra, Jose Lorenzo
Verger, Rafael Jose (Obispo)
Lopez Portillo, Francisco
Gomez de Castro, Jose Maria
Crouxet, Juan
Rubalcava, Alexo
Larrinaga, Juan Antonio
Branciforte, Marques de
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Vera, Antonio
Azanza, Miguel Jose de (Virrey)
Campor, Juan Ysidro
Leon, Nuevo Reyno de
Sierra Madre
Monterrey (Ciudad)
Saltillo (Villa)
Santa Rosa (Valle)
Nuevo Santander (Colonia)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 196 ff. 180-209 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 196 ff. 180-209 (Appro
Informe appears to be rough draft; consecutive enumerations appear to be copies of older documents used for clarification of the informe. Unnumbered folios. This series of documents begins with the phrase found in the title above.
Reference Number
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