Haciendas (Sheep)

Californias 1763. Testimonio de los autos seguidos contra don Jacinto Marmolejo sobre cantidad de pesos dado a pedimento de p. Armesto.

Serial Number
Armesto, Juan de (Procurador General)(Sj)
Marmolejo, Nicolas Jacinto (Regidor Provincial del Cabildo)
Galban, Juan Francisco (Alcalde Ordinario) (Juez)
and others
End date
Hacienda del paxaro, villa de San Phelipe, San Pedro de Ibarra. July 13, 1763 to September 17, 1763. 104p (Approx). Letter. Original, signed. Testimonio. Pedimento. Peticion. Autos. Transcriptions. Copies. Signed.
Mostly dull legal, repetitive material but useful perhaps for tracing chronological process of testimony and defense of the Jesuit missions. Marmolejo's Father in 1735 borrowed sum to establish sheep hacienda. Proceedings include tracing profits from that time and past due of interest and Principal. Decision made to embargo Marmolejo's effects and entrust them to third party until final decision. Marmolejo disappears and when authorities appear at his home to enforce this, his wife informs them she knows nothing of his whereabouts nor the effects. They are informed that Marmolejo will only appear in presence of impartial men whom he trusts. This condition guaranteed, he provides information on hacienda's economic status, his inheritance; strongly insisting he has complied with known obligations. Decision made against him. He has two years to pay debt of 1407 pesos to get his effects back. Armesto writes letter of appreciation to officials for expediting claim for welfare of missions. (J. M. Johnson, August 1989)
Armesto, Juan de (Procurador)(Sj)
Aguilar, Miguel de (Administrador)
Marmolejo, Nicolas Jacinto (Regidor Provincial)
Sanchez, Juan Thadeo (Teniente)(Alcalde Mayor)
Pri, Juan Joseph
Galban, Juan Francisco (Alcalde Ordinario)(Juez)
Hava y Fagle, Pedro Antonio (Testigo de Asistencia)
Pacheco, Juan Antonio
Proa, Juan de
Marmolejo Bribieseas, Miguel (Hacendero)
Albarez, Angel (Alcalde Mayor)
Oman, Juan Cristobal
Aquino, Thomas de
Tompes, Juan Francisco de (Padre, Sj)
Thorres, Manuel de
Caso, Manuel Antonio de
Argotes, Pedro
Fonseca de Asis, Miguel de
Basterrechea, Juan
Castillo, Domingo
Valdibieso, Francisco Xavier
Arias, Joseph Lucas de
Ruis, Aparisio Joseph (Pastor)
Fonseca, Pedro Antonio de
Mares, Marzelo Antonio de (Pastor)
Marmolejo Guerra, Pedro Joseph
Marmolejo, Francisco Xavier (Bachiller)
Marmolejo Manco, Pedro Manuel
Nabarrete Argote, Pedro Antonio
Valderas, Joseph (Coronel)
San Phelipe (Villa)
Paxaro (Hacienda)
Californias (Provincias)
Reyes (Hacienda)
Nueba Galicia
San Pedro de Ibarra (Dependencia)
San Miguel El Grande (Villa)
San Isidro (Hacienda)
Lagos (Jurisdiccion)
Ibarras (Hacienda)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 213 ff. 071-122 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 213 ff. 071-122 (Appro
Since folios unnumbered, locate by expediente title. Parts of law cited are underlined. Many frames bleed through. Left margins divide different legal sections. Frames numbered within expediente; some May be duplicated.
Reference Number
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