Correspondence of Fueros with viceroy and real de cuentas officials about affairs at Cieneguilla
Serial Number
Fueros, Pedro (Capitan Comisionado)
and others
End date
La cieneguilla. September 19, 1775 - December 20, 1775. 30p. Letters, relacion, draft letters, index. Original. Signed/ unsigned. Copy.
Excerpts from Fueros letter details type of mining (silver and gold), mining conditions, personnel, shortage of water (need to open Pozo of specified size), and Indian incursions. Requests acknowledgement of receipt of royal fifth at real Caxa de los Alamos. Document fragment by unknown author discusses construction of Plaza with houses of earth, distribution of weapons for defense, establishment of partida to patrol, and necessity for escort of troops to help workers. Fueros complains to viceroy about how officials at real tribunal de Cuentas handled his account. Sends copy of response from tribunal officials and his own response back to them. Also draft response from Mexico Fueros indicates shipment of gold to real Caxa de los Alamos as royal fifth. Memo notes amount received in preceeding year as royal fifth from these Placeres. (S. Fiederlein, may 1987)
Fueros, Pedro (Capitan Comisionado)
Poramas, Melchor de
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente)
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey)
Campo Marin, Manuel del (Contador)
Barroeta, Juan Chrisostomo de
Negreiros y Herrera, Ygnasio
Rodriguez Gallardo, Josef Raphael (Licenciado)
Guerrero y Tagle, Augustin Francisco
Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Galvez, Jossef de
Aguirre, Juan Antonio (Conductor)
Aparicio Rosillo, Sevastian (Arriero)
Abad, Santiago
Buenavista, Santa Rosa de
Cieneguilla, San Yldephonso de la
los Alamos
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 090 ff. 077-091
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 090 ff. 077-091
Short index of letters to viceroy included on f. 80, incomplete documents, some conflicting dates, first letter noted in index missing, letter beginning on f. 81 has pages out of order and dispersed, brief heading on f. 91 unrelated to documents.
Reference Number
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