Furnishings (Domestic)

Documents relating to charges brought by Moreno y Castro against Pison y Gusman for blasphemies, drunkenness, debts and other bad conduct, in Loreto.

Serial Number
Pison y Gusman, Gaspar de (Teniente de Caballeria)(Dueno)
Moreno y Castro, Bernardo de (Teniente del Gobernador)
Asevedo, Rosa Francisca (Mujer de Pison y Gusman)
Moreno, Manuel Antonio (Cirujano)
and others
End date
Loreto, Santa Ana, Mexico, San Blas, Tepic, Veracruz. July 5, 1772 to August 12, 1774. 212p. Causa. Autos. Diligencia. Memorias. Providencia. Decreto. Dictamen. Cuenta. Informes. Peticiones. Letter. Drafts, copies, transcriptions. Originals. Signed.
Most important documents will be referenced below by folio no. Most unusual document is letter to Pison signed and likely written by his wife regarding his importance to family (f. 308). Incredibly filthy swear words attributed to him, directed against priest during mass, quoted and underlined in ff. 244-245. Useful diagnosis of ailment (sinocat putrida) and simple treatment prescribed of better diet, sleep, exercise by surgeon (f. 316 ?) Traces processes of judicial procedure in determination of charges of other bad conduct on Pison's part, brought by teniente de gobernador Moreno in Loreto. Included is detailed service and conduct record and witnessed testimonies of Pison's past military service; and other biographical information. Accused of years of drunkenness, womanizing, thievery, setting bad examples for mission Indians. Jailed at mission; some witnesses testify that he reacted to provocation by others; Pison requests change of venue for unbiased trial and accessibility to witnesses for his defense who are themselves in prison in Guadalajara. Released by authorities on bail paid by Ramon Espinosa; although his mine personal effects are kept. At trial, jailed prisoners clear him of murder of Osio, by swearing latter died by drowning. Pison countercharges Moreno with beating and refusal to allow his case to go before Barri. Provides motive for Moreno's silencing him by citing evidence of Former's absconding with treasury funds and illegal trade in alcoholic beverages. Missionaries and Armona testify to his generally good character, despite drinking bouts. Final decision, however, by Valcarcel; approved by viceroy is that Pison must be punished by losing personal effects, mine, military title and lifetime banishment from Californias. Ff. 328-331, when punishment given, Pison petitions Bucareli to allow him for temporary stay in Loreto with family to make financial arrangements before his expulsion. (J. M. Johnson, July 1989)
Pison y Gusman, Gaspar (Teniente de Caballeria)(Dueno)
Moreno, Manuel Antonio (Cirujano)
Asevedo, Rosa Francisca (Mujer de Pison y Gusman)
Moreno y Castro, Bernardo de (Teniente del Gobernador)
Marza, Joseph
Areche, Joseph
Barri, Phelipe (Gobernador)
Estrada, Joseph Maria (Soldado)
Canete, Joachin (Teniente Capitan)
Bucareli y Ursua, Fray Antonio Maria de (Virrey)
Amador, Pablo (Soldado)
Berroa, Antonio de
Estrada, Joseph Bonifacio
Arroyo, Maria Loreta (Mujer de Pena)
Pena, Fernando
Castro, Francisco (Soldado)
Dias, Thomas
Cota, Pedro
Espinosa, Santiago
Castro, Salvador
Acevedo, Ignacio de
Cano, Jose
Gerardo, Christoval
Buitron, Francisco
Aguirre, Francisco Xavier de
Campo Viergol, Jose del (Contador)
Guerrero y Fagle, Antonio
Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Espinoza, Ramon de (Fiador)
Herrera, Juan Joseph de
Armona, Mathias de (Gobernador)
Flores, Joseph
Loreto Cervantes, Jose
Casserta, Guillermo (Licenciado)
Cossio, Diego de (Alcalde Ordinario)
Fons, Joseph (Indio)
Garibay, Pedro (Sargento Mayor)
Sanchez Cassahonda, Juan (Agente de Negocio)
Carballo, Joseph
Ibarra, Isidoro de (Cura)
Chavez, Antonio (OFM)
Lozano, Juan Manuel
Berdugo, Joachin (Cabo)
Arechiga, Joaquin de (Azoguero)
Azebedo, Francisco (Official)
Copeza, Miguel (Fray)(Enfermero)
Echasco, Antonio (OFM)
Moreno y Castro (Mujer de)
Marin del Valle, Miguel
Osio, Manuel de (Defunto)
Silva y Herrera, Julian de (Reo Preso)
Romero, Josef
Lopez Padilla, Nicolas
Miguel (Sastre)
Minichagas, Juan de
Rubio, Juan (Ministro)
Ojeda, Gabriel de (Cabo)
Orantes, Antonio (Mulato)
Saldua, Alonso
Munoz, Joseph
Mandado, Antonio Augustin
Santa Ana, Pedro de
Samaniego, Joseph Joachin
Samaniego, Joseph Antonio
Rodriguez, Juan (Cabo)
Ramos, (Padre)
Nuno, Christobal
Sierra, Luis Ignacio
Ovayea, Joseph Manuel (?)
Serra, Fray Marcelino (OFM)
Martinez, Fray Antonio (OFM)
Pison, Maria Josepha (Hija de Pison y Gusman)
Santa Anna (Capitan y Maestre de Navio)Peramas, Melchor de
San Josef, Miguel (Fray) (Belemitico)
Quiroz (Teniente)
Arangoyta (Fiscal)
Vasquez, Miguel
Sanchez de Santa Anna, Pedro Manuel
Vasquez, Leandro
Villanueva, Bartholo
Valcarcel, Domingo
Texada, Francisco (OFM)
Trigueros, Francisco (Cajero)
Tri , Manuel
Valle, Joseph Manuel de (El Rosareno)
Trillo, Francisco (Comisario)
Marin del Valle, Miguel
Ibarzabal, Izidro (Cura Vicario)
Carlos (Sj)
Rivas, Joachin
Rivera, Fernando (Capitan)
Ruiz, Joachin de la
Somera (Teniente)
Velasquez, Joseph
Valgado, Francisco Gabriel
Martinez, Julian
Vonaga (?), Maria Ignacio (Mujer de Julian Martinez)
Talamantes, Francisco
Ximenez, Miguel (OFM)
Osio, Antonio de (Fray)(Gobernador de Todos Santos
Loreto de California (Presidio)
San Blas (Puerto)
San Antonio (Real)
Californias (Cabo) (Peninsula)
Sur de Californias (Departamento)
Todos Santos (Mision)
Pachuca (Caja)
Alcala de Godayra
Andalucia (Reino)
Santa Gertrudis (Real) (Mina)
Guadalaxara (Ciudad)
San Diego
Letrados (Ciudad)
Rosario (Real)
San Xavier (Hospital) (Mision)
Santa Anna (Jurisdicion) (Real)
California, Sur de
California Norte
Cuenta del Rey (Minas)
Serralvo (Puerto)
San Fernando de Mexico, Colegio Apostolico de
Texcayama (Puerto)
Calidad (Valle)
Mazatan (Puerto)
Sanatajoa (Puerto)
Naturales de Mexico, (Hospital)
Ethnic Groups
Coyotes (Mestizos)
Military Groups
San Blas, Milicia Provincial de
Sur de Californias, Milicia Provincial de la Peninsula de
San Blas, Caballeria Provincial de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 211 ff. 228-333
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 211 ff. 228-333
316 ?); Swear Words Quoted (ff. 244-245). Here Listed As expediente 16, But #15 In Indice del Ramo. Some Good Marginal notes; Some Margins Cut Off. Long Sections Of Testimony Repetitive And May Be Duplicates. Some Folios Semi-Legible, Interrupted, Or Repeated. Documents not In Exact Chronological Order.
Reference Number
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Documents on administrative matters by comisarios of Loreto.

Serial Number
Gutierrez, Juan (Comisario)(Ayudante Mayor)
Alvarez Osorio, Francisco (Comisario de Almacen)
Barri, Phelipe (Gobernador)
and others
End date
Loreto, Queretaro, Mexico. January 15, 1773 to November 15, 1774. 16pp. Informes. Relaciones. Memorias. Originals, signed.
Ff. 79-82 concern response of Gutierrez to Barri's request for submitting his past accounts for audit. Former cannot locate them and informed that until accuracy verified he must provide security bond. Viceroy determines that one-half of Gutierrez' requests necessary supplies for warehouse in department, including weapons, clothes, sewing materials. Transportation of these to be by Paquebot Concepcion. (J. M. Johnson, June 1989)
Gutierrez, Juan (Ayudante Mayor)(Comisario)
Alvarez Osorio, Francisco (Comisario de Almacen)
Bucareli, Fray Antonio Maria (Virrey)
Barri, Phelipe (Gobernador)
Soto, Manuel Antonio de
Cuellar, Lope de
Hijosa, Francisco
Echeveste, Juan Josef de
Goya, Manuel Ramon de (Factor)
Lopez de Toledo, Antonio (Comisario Administrador)
Loreto (Real Presidio) (Departamento)
Californias (Peninsula)
Nueva Viscaya
San Blas (Departamento)
Sonora (Provincia)
Antigua California
San Jose (Cabo) (Bahia)
San Lucas (Cabo)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 211 ff. 079-086
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 211 ff. 079-086
Ff. 79-82 is listed expediente 10 in indice del ramo; ff. 83-86 not listed, but on reel is expediente 12. Some documents appear incomplete. Margins cut off.
Reference Number
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Documents relating to petition of Ambrosio Miguel de Rivera for adjustment of salary and inventory of personal effects of his late brother.

Serial Number
Ribera y Moncada, Ambrosio Miguel
Corvalan, Christoval
Galvez, Mathias de (Virrey)
End date
Rio chico, Arispe, Alamos, rosario, Guadalaxara. February 8, 1782- June 8, 1784. 92p (Approximately). Peticiones. Dictamenes. Letters. Originals, signed.
Ambrosio Miguel de Rivera requests officials to adjust past salary, determine amount of Monte Pio and inventory the goods belonging to his Brother Fernando for the benefit of latter's widow and children. Father Valdez to arrange for inventory of items to be publicly auctioned. Witnessed lists of goods in storage provided. Long discussions between viceroy Galvez and officials in Arispe and Guadalajara to determine exact amount of salary and Monte Pio due. Involves details of dates and past appointments of Rivera y Moncada with references to past reglamentos. (J. M. Johnson, August 1988)
Villa, Miguel
Rivera y Moncada, Fernando (Capitan)
Ribera y Moncada, Ambrosio Miguel
Croix, Teodoro de (Caballero de Croix)
Valdez, Francisco Joaquin (Cura)(Bachiller)
Galindo Navarro, Pedro
Neve, Phelipe de
Gomez de Cossio, Patricio Antonio (Justicia Mayor)
Garza, Manuel Joaquin de la
Corinas, Pedro
Xavier, Francisco (Santo)
Ribera, Maria
Seneri (Padre)
Burques, Pedro
Roncales, Miguel
Ribera, Juan Joseph de
Hernandez, Jose Antonio (Juez Comisario)
Bacaneri, Sebastian (Gobernador)
Cos y Campo, Jazinto de
Gregorio (Senor)
Castillo, Jazinto de
Matape, Josef de
Canete, Joaquin (Teniente Comandante)
Corbalan, Cristoval
Serrano, Salvador Antonio (Corregidor)
Davalos y Patron, Maria Theresa (Viuda de Rivera y Moncada)
Ribera y Davalos, Joseph
Ribera y Davalos, Luis
Ribera y Davalos, Juan Baptista (Bachiller)
Ortiz de Rosas, Juan
Fandero y Ribera, Francisco Antonio de
Bucareli, Antonio (Virrey)
Galvez, Mathias de
Eulaquis Sanchez, Joseph Maria
Zubial, Julian
Bravo, Joseph Ildefonso
Fernandez Lechuga, Ignacio
Navarro, Phelipe
Rodriguez, Miguel Antonio
Peregrina, Joseph Maria
Ribera, Fernando
Rubio Verrise, Francisco
Viveros, Manuel
Estrada, Joseph Maria (Alferez)
Soler, Juan (Guarda Almacen)
Pedro y Gil, Rafael
Albarez Osorio, Francisco
Amaya, Juan de
Gasiot, Juan
Colorado (Rio)
Loreto (Presidio)
Raum (Pueblo)
Arispe (Capital)
Alamos (Real) (Pueblo)
Rio Chico (Real)
Potan (Pueblo)
Monterrey (Presidio)
Sonora, San Juan de (Provincia)
Ostimuri, San Ildefonso de (Provincia)
Hiaqui (Rio)
Loreto de Baroyeca, Senora de (Real)
Huerta, San Antonio de la
Soiopu (Pueblo)
Mano Colorado
Matape (Pueblo)
Tala (Pueblo)
Rosario (Real)
Acatlan, Santa Anna (Pueblo)
Nueva Galicia
California Antigua
Guadalaxara (Ciudad)
Atala (Pueblo)
San Diego
San Gabriel (Mision)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 199 ff. 182-228 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 199 ff. 182-228 (Appro
This entry starts at expediente #2. Datas de la cuenta de ribera que no tener cargos.... Some documents incomplete or interrupted. Some frames blank or repeated.
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Various informes regarding hacienda Arroyo Zarco.

Serial Number
Montoya Garay
and others
End date
Mexico. April 14, 1774 - February 21, 1776. 112p. Informes. Originals/signed.
303-312: Informe from Bucareli to director of temporalidades asking that Arroyo Zarco administrator be replaced by Aysa due to poor administration. Informe from Garay to Mangino regarding end of the ranch's seizure. Aissa asks for funds for repairs. 313-336: Montoya Garay provides inventory list to Ayssa which includes extensive and descriptive list of chapel and vestry items, household furnishings, books, kitchen goods, laborer tools, bed sheeting, store items, personal debts, farmhand salaraies, livestock. 342: Virrey grants permission that Mangino come to capital. 345-352: Escala Guller grants permission to Thomas Escala to buy and sell his properties. 353-354: Montoya aska virrey if taking horses from his own hacienda is permissible. 355-358: Mangino infoms virrey of financial losses to Arroyo Zarco caused by troops and sailors that are housed at the hacienda. (J. Hiller, October 1988)
Escala Guller, Bernardo
Montoya de Garay, Manuel
Ayso, Valero de
Mangino, Fernando Josef
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey)
Verroja Alviz, Juan
Sanchez Parexas, Fernando
Sierra, Juan de
Casimiro, Antonio
Peramas, Melchor de
Escala, Thomas
Guerra, Bicente
Diaz, Fernando
Alvarez, Manuel Josef de
Erasso, Josef Carlos de
Cana, Josef Anastacio de la
Loria, Augustin
Montalvan, Josef de (Escribano)
Valiente, Pedro
Perez, Miguel
Arroyo Zarco (Hacienda)
Xilotepeque (Provincia)
Queretaro (Ciudad)
Santiago (Ciudad)
San Blas (Puerto)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 007 ff. 303-358 exp. 21-23
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 007 ff. 303-358 exp. 2
Appears as expedientes 27-36
Reference Number
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General Subjects