Indexes and letters that concern primarily military matters in the province of Texas, subject matter ranges from military misconduct to Indian gratifications.
Serial Number
End date
Orizava, Mexico. August 19, 1793 - January 1, 1797. 20p. Indexes, letters. Originals.
Index which concerns the request by sargents, and other soldiers that land be distributed to them in San Rafael de Croix in a manner similar to the rest of the colony, mention of needing to research information on the establishment of the town in 1777; index which concerns judicial proceeding against Borrego for killing Gonzales, later release of the prisoner; index which concerns the case against Lorenzo Leal for insubordination, later pardon of individual of prisoner; letter which describes classification of documents relating to Indian gratifications; an index of quadernos 1-10 that discuss; request by Ugalde for goods to give Indians involves salary of Montanez; how gratificaciones were used in Besar to open the way for the control of Texas and New Mexico, the reimbursement of cost of gratificaciones, review of gratification costs incurred by Munoz and Pacheco, costs incurred due to Comanches, examination of accounts by various officials and the finding of a direct path from Santa Fe to San Antonio Besar, remaining entries cover similar matters under command of Nava, the years represented in this index are 1786-1792. (O. Velez, November 1989)
Conde de Sierragorda
Borrego, Gervasio (Soldado)
Gonzales, Santiago
Lorenzo Leal, Patricio
Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante)
Montanez Pacheco, Rafael (Gobernador Interino)
Bial, Pedro
Munoz, Manuel (Governador)
Castro, Ramon de (Comandante General)
Fernandez, Bernando
Bustillo y Caballos, Jose Antonio
Amangual, Francisco
Nava, Pedro de
Cortes, Juan (Avilitado)
Croix, San Rafael de (Villa)
Texas (Provincia)
San Antonio Besar (Presidio)
Santa Fe
Coahuila (Provincia)
Ethnic Groups
Apaches Lipanes
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 228 ff. 433-442
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 228 ff. 433-442
This series of documents is part of expediente 46 as listed in the indice del ramo.
Reference Number
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