Correspondence between Garces, de Anza and viceroy concerning explorations of Garces in upper Colorado and de Anza's exploration of San Francisco Bay and establishment of presidio and missions during de Anza's second trip to California.
Serial Number
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey)
Garces, Francisco (Fray)
Anza, Juan Baptista de (Teniente Coronel)
End date
March 20, 1775. 102p. Letters. Informes. Originals. Signed. Copies.
Correspondence between viceroy, Garces and de Anza concerning Garces's explorations in upper Colorado River with attachment of letters from fray Escalante about Zunis and area in case Garces travels to New Mexico from Colorado River. Accounts by de Anza on expedition to California, his turning command over to comandante Moncada, refusal of Moncada to travel to San Francisco to explore area for establishment of presidio and missions, de Anza travels with teniente Moraga, one priest and eight soldiers to explore San Francisco bay. de Anza gives an rich description of bay with its good soil, abundance of water, pastures, and wild animals and fish, meeting with Indians who fish with nets and use of balses made with reeds to cross bay and fish. de Anza does not name Indians but describes them as gentle. He also describes area to be rich with woods from which construction of fort would be easy. de Anza establishes places where missions and presidio should be built returning to Monterrey where he requests meeting with Moncada without success. Serra meets with Anza preoccupied with moncadas' attitude with friars and families from Sinaloa, teniente Moraga in letter to Anza believes comandante Moncada has lost his mind which results in his not wanting to follow planned agenda. Documents about rebellion in San Diego are not very clear, de Anza also describes desertions of some muleskinners and two soldiers who steal some horses and moragas capture of desertors in Gila where de Anza punishes them with laboring in construction of presidio and missions in San Francisco. Anza informs viceroy about Garces return to Colorado River leaving him foodstuffs for his sustenance as Anza returns, also fray Exiarc returns with Anza to Tumacacori mission. Capitan Palma and three Yumas with accordance with his people attaches himself to Anza to travel to Mexico. Viceroy answers Anza letting him know he is displeased as Anza did not finish his comission as he left before construction of fort and missions began. (A. Dell'acqua, January 1988)
Velez de Escalante, Silvestre (Fray)
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey)
Garces, Francisco (Fray)
Anza, Juan Baptista de (Teniente Coronel)
Rivera y Moncada, Fernando (Comandante)
Fager, Pedro (Comandante)
Neve, Phelipe (Gobernador)
Francisco (Rebel Yuma Leader)
Serra, Junipero (Fray)
Gongora, Jose Maria (Sargento)
Moraga, Joaquin (Teniente)
Exiarc, Thomas (Fray)
Cambon, Pedro (Fray)
Ayala, Juan (Comandante de Paquebot)
Carlos (Cabecilla Rebelde de San Diego)
Fusten, Vizente (Fray)
Las Juntas del Rio Colorado, San Pedro de (Sitio)
Moqui (Provincia)
Nuevo Mexico (Provincia)
Monterrey (Puerto)(Presidio)
San Gabriel (Mision)
San Francisco (Puerto)
San Luis (Mision)
San Diego (Puerto)(Mision)
Caborca (Mision)
Tumacacori (Mision)
San Fernando California (Golfo)
Horcasitas (Presidio)
Cantil Blanco (Sitio)
Guadalupe (Rio)
San Andres (Canada)
Regalado, San Pedro (Sitio)
Carmelo (Mision)
Chozas (Rancheria)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 237 ff. 241-292
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 237 ff. 241-292
Some documents are illegible, some documents are out of sequence. no foliation within Volume.
Reference Number
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