Food Supplies (Seafood)

Documents pertaining to visita of Josef de Galvez in alta California 1769. Sent to governor Neve by predecessor Barri at time of change of office.

Serial Number
Galvez, Josef de (Visitador)
Barri, Felipe (Gobernador)
End date
Loreto, Monterey, Santa ana, la paz. December 12, 1767 to October 29, 1774. 132p. Instrucciones. Reglamentos, index. Informe. Letters, original, signed. Copies. 10-28-1774 from berri to new governor neve outlining duties in change of command. Invites consultation and outlines accompanying documents which should be returned to archive in south (Loreto ?). Observations of civil-military-religious relations in province. 2) ff. 126-135 Galvez' instrucciones of 1769 to barri. Discusses duties of governor and importance of stern but just punishment of indians for economic independence from missions. Discussion of governor's administration of pearl fishing, with reference to leyes de indios, previous reales ordenes and cedulas to prohibit foreigners. Better fiscal management of mines and defense to establish more missions and presidios in province. Copy consists of 26 sections, dated 9-30-1774. 3) ff. 142-144 index of 19 documents Barri sends to neve of Galvez' visita to antigua California of 1769. Brief description of each document. Dated 9-30-1774. 4) full texts of Galvez' visita/expedition of 1769, copies from 1768 to 1770. Overall impression of carefully prepared, detailed planning for military-civil-religious coordination in province. Attention to fiscal-administrative matters to establish good relations between Spanish and indians (although typically condescending towards abilities of latter group) for economic-geographic expansion in Californias. Overall idea for governing broken families to Loreto, agricultural and religious training, artesan and pearl fishing industries, rights and inheritance regulations of lands after secularization (temporalidades) from missions, specifications for architectural plans of church, plaza and homes, wages and formations of indians into militias. Production from salinas, transportation of these by canoe sacramento and paquebot la concepcion, salaries, equipment and supply rations for all levels of workers and managers, diezmos (taxes) and royal fifth on production. Coordinated defenses by military and militia of missions, neighbors and presidios to continue outward expansion to new territories. Realtionship of provincial income/outflow to real hacienda in Guadalajara, including pricing, collecting of diezmo and quinto for ramos of playing cards, gunpowder, mercury, papel sellado, and tobacco and pearl fishing and mining industries. Of special note are great details in ff. 159-160 of maritime transportation of products to and from lower California from north and to continent, and ff. 161-162 of ordenances, supplies and rations to be in effect for each type of vessel used. (J. M. Johnson, April 1988)
Barri, Felipe (Gobernador)
Galvez, Josef de (Visitador)
Neve, Felipe (Sargento Mayor)
Carlos III (Rey)
Rivera y Moncada, Fernando de (Capitan)
Serra, Junipero (Fray) (Padre Presidente)
Faxes, Pedro (Comandante)
Mora, Vicente de (Padre Presidente)
Campo Viergol, Josef del (Comisario)
Lopez de Toledo, Antonio (Comisario)
Garcia Morales, Manuel
Arraez, Pedro (Regalado)
Peramar, Melchor de
Palou, Francisco (Fray)
Velasquez de Leon, Joaquin (Subdelegado)
Gutierrez, Juan
Trillo y Vermudes, Francisco (Comisario)
Viniegra, Juan Manuel de
Croix, Marques de (Virrey) (Gobernador) (Capitan General)
Felipe V (Soberano)
Romero, Felipe
Murguia, Jose (Fray)
Espinosa de los Monteros, Manuel (Teniente)
Azanza, Miguel Jose de
Moran, Juan (Fray)
Lasso, Jose Maria (Fray)
Moreno, Felipe
Regalado de Soto, Pedro
Trigo, Jose de
Armona, Mathias
Moz?, Bernardo
Arris, Ygnacio
Gonzaga, Luis
San Blas (Departamento)
Sonora (Provincia)
Californias (Peninsula)
San Diego
Loreto (Ensenada) (Mision) (Presidio) (Real)
Velicata, San Fernando
San Fernando (Colegio Apostolico)
Santa Anna del Sur (Comisaria)
San Juan (Rancho)
Mexico (Capital)
San Luis (Arroyo) (Mision)
Todos Santos (Mision)
la Paz (Puerto)
Cinaloa (Provincia)
Guaimas (Puerto)
Mazatlan (Puerto)
San Lucas (Cabo)
Fan?Sula (Puerto)
Nueva Galicia (Reyno)
Santiago (Pueblo) (Mision)
San Jose (Isla)
Pimeria Alta
Cavo, San Jose del (Mision)
Santa Ana (Real)
Santa Rosa
San Luis Gonzaga (Mision)
Carmen (Isla)
San Xavier (Mision)
Pasion (Mision)
Military Groups
Queretaro, Regimento Provincial (Antigua California) Cavalleria de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 166 ff. 123-188
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 166 ff. 123-188
Galvez documents not in chronological order. Some pages misnumbered but sequence kept. Some borders cut off. Four
Reference Number
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Documents pertaining to four month voyage of the Goleta Sonora (nuestra senora de Guadalupe) from San Blas to Loreto and other California ports.

Serial Number
Hijosa, Francisco (Comisario)
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey)
Hernandez, Santiago (Contramaestre)(Segundo Guardian)
and others
End date
San Blas, Mexico. August 27, 1777 to October 20, 1777. 38p. Informe. Inventory. Bills of lading. Typeset. Originals. Signed.
Documents are of four types: Ff. 382-385 from Hijosa to Bucareli announce departure of Goleta Sonora (Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe) carrying memorias and efectos to Loreto and other California missions. Discussion of crew and change of command because of illness. F. 386 and ff. 399-400 are bills of lading for transported cargo. Ff. 387-388 is incomplete list of food supplies aboard, (dried) meat and fish, bread. Ff. 389-398 are extremely detailed inventories of the Goleta, including dimensions, volume capacity, hull, masts, rigging, quarters, keel, rudder, hold, tools, anchors, cables, auxiliary boats, etc. (J. M. Johnson, October 1988)
Echeverria, Juan Agustin de
Nunez Esquivel, Mario (Cirujano)
Alvarez de Castro, Francisco (Piloto)
Hezeta, Bruno de
Hijosa, Francisco (Comisario)
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey)
Cruz, Sipriano de la
Hernandez, Santiago (Segundo Guardian) (Contramaestre)
Alvarez Osorio, Francisco (Comisario)
Mora, Vicente de (Fray)
Californias (Peninsula)
San Blas
Loreto (Presidio)
Tepic (Pueblo)
Antigua California
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 010 ff. 382-400
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 010 ff. 382-400
F. 388 is missing. Some documents interrupted by others. Some frames blank.
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Documents relating to the state of preparedness for the four month voyage of the Paquebot S.M. San Carlos (el toison) from San Blas to Loreto.

Serial Number
Martinez, Estevan Josse (Capitan) (Piloto)
Ramirez, Antonio (Contramaestre)
Campoy, Antonio (Despensero)
and others
End date
San Blas, Loreto. May 15 to May 20, 1777. 54p. Inventory. Estado y reglamento de rancho. Bill of lading. Copies. Originals, signed. Typeset.
On Hijosa's orders, the following three documents were prepared: 1) ff. 284-304 consist of detailed inventory of the San Carlos, hull, masts, sails, rudder, pilots area, anchors, cables and rigging, pilot's equipment, workmen's supplies and auxiliary boats. 2) ff. 305-307 is a list of food rations, amounts given based on assumed daily consumption and necessity. Major cheese, condiments, water, firewood and kitchen utensils. 3) ff. 308-310; bill of lading for food shipped to Loreto. Includes amounts and buying price of in San Blas and selling price for Loreto, after obligatory (by provincial regulation) 100 surcharge is added. (J. M. Johnson, September 1988)
Hijosa, Francisco (Comisario)
Ramirez, Antonio (Contramaestre)
Martinez, Estevan Josse (Capitan) (Piloto)
Campoy, Antonio (Despensero)
Alvarez Osorio, Francisco (Comisario)
Ruiz, Josef Faustino
Lopez de Toledo, Antonio Joseph
Antigua California
San Blas (Puerto)
Californias (Peninsula)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 010 ff. 284-310
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 010 ff. 284-310
Some frames interrupted by others. Some blank frames
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Correspondence of Hijosa, comisario de San Blas, to viceroy Bucareli for February - March, 1777.

Serial Number
Hijosa, Francisco (Comisario)
Rodriguez Brioso, Christoval
End date
San Blas. February 24, 1777 to March 6, 1777. 100p. Informes. Inventories. Bills of lading. Typeset. Originals. Signed.
Details on cargos and itineraries of ships destined for lists of supplies and provisions with estimated amounts and costs based on consumption of (dried) meat and fish, bread, staple items, lard, spices, water and firewood. Most important to California missions, with buying price in San Blas, selling price in San Diego. Ff. 164-193 inventory and specifications of Paquebot el Principe (San Antonio), including; ship dimensions and volume capacity, masts, hull, sails, pantry, cables and rigging, anchors, armor, auxiliary boats. Ff. 148-150 and 155-163 provide many details on the fragata Santiago (Nueva Galicia). (J. M. Johnson, September 1988)
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey)
Hijosa, Francisco (Comisario)
Arteaga, Ignacio (Teniente de Navio)
Neve, Phelipe de (Gobernador)
Morelle, Francisco Antonio (Capitan)(Alferez)
Aguirre, Juan Bauptista de (Piloto)
Sierra, Benito (Fray)
Rodriguez Brioso, Christoval
Nunez Esquivel, Mariano (Cirujano)
Sorla, Cayetano
Ruiz, Josef Faustino
Lopez de Toledo, Antonio Joseph
Urtuay, Josef (Contramaestre)
Soria (Guardian)
San Francisco (Presidio)(Puerto)
Monterrey (Presidio)(Puerto)
San Diego (Puerto)
San Blas (Departamento) (Comisaria)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 010 ff. 148-197
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 010 ff. 148-197
Excellent summaries of individual documents in indice del ramo. Documents not in chronological order. Some blank or repeated frames.
Reference Number
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