
Letters commenting on the provisions adopted by Bonavia and the junta provisional by the real tribunal general de mineria with recommendations that the provisions of the former body be rescinded.

Serial Number
End date
Mexico. July 29, 1815 - August 20, 1815. 30p. Letters. Originals.
Order allows exception for Bonavia in that he is allowed to ship metals out of southern ports if and when he makes sure that shipments reach Spain directly; letter advising the virrey the deleterious effect that some of Bonavia's measures are having on the fiscal condition of the real hacienda, real tribunal de Mineria, and miners in the Provincias Internas de Occidente, petition that virrey order Bonavia to terminate measures described, measures in question have been discussed in detail in the preceeding folios of this volume starting with ff.147 and in general terms include donations of metals to mint, allowing unlimited entry to metals into the area from other areas and the related trade in contraband, allowing of gold and silver to come into ports in Provincias Internas de Occidente from Peru, Guatemala etc. Instead of being shipped directly to Spain, charging of duties on metals going to Mexico City instead of the duty being Charged there; sagaxruxieta advises virrey on how to proceed with petition of the administrative bodies cited above I terms of transmittal of communications; a summary of the provisions adopted by the junta provisional, the provisions adopted by the real tribunal general de Mineria in response as well as those by the real hacienda; letter from virrey making decision to decide in favor of the request of the real tribunal general de Mineria to terminate the contributions of metals to the mint established in Durango. (O. Velez, September 1989)
Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (Comandante General)
Perez Gallardo, Ricardo (Licenciado)
Beltran, Jose Maria (Contador Mayor)
Aperechexo, Fermin Antonio de
Santa Cruz
Santa Fe
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 227 ff. 186-201
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 227 ff. 186-201
This sequence is included as part of expediente 9 Vol. 227 according to the indice del ramo de Provincias Internas
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el senor comandante general de Provincias Yternas de occidente ordena arbitrios que se ha visto en la necesidad de establecer en ellas y ordena que se le remiten tabacos, y otros articulos estancados.

Serial Number
Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General)
Durango. November 28, 1814. 18p. Letter. Copy.
Index of letters that are in this Series which list the taxes an measures taken by comandante general; comandante general calls U 3 juntas de real hacienda to discuss subject of funds, or lack thereof, cites the revolution with increasing costs and decreasing income, little help from Mexico, have come to the conclusion that a loan of 160,000 pesos would be enough to cover the cost of the most urgent needs, plan for this includes encumbering a certain percentage of the income of properties (both rural and Urban) for a year and using this as a type of collateral for a one year loan, another source of funding would be donations as was given by marques de Bustamante, employees of the real hacienda are the only ones who currently are paying a certain percentage of their salaries to finance the provincias yntrnas, Bonavia states that next year salaries, pensiones, and rents paid out by the real hacienda will have a certain percentage encumbered except the salaries of soldiers, calls for more effecient administration of the tobacco tax now that no one can claim ignorance of the law, results of the latest meetings o the junta Superior are the charging of duties on the right of transport, mining, refining of metals, separation and refinement and consumption of metals, the funds to be borrowed are to be sought by the ayuntamientos and the diputaciones consulares D las poblaciones, Urban and rural farms will be have incomes taxed at rates of 4 and 5 percent respectively for a period of two years, 1 percent on all the goods passing through customs, arrangements to have these orders published and communicated to all the gobernadores intendentes. (O. Velez, September 1989)
Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General)
Cavallero, Zapato
Garcia Conde, Alexo (Gobernador Intendente)
Herrera, Mariano (Auditor de Guerra)
Truxillo, Francisco Xavier (Ministro de Tesoreria Principal)
Pacheco, Manuel Jose (Ministro de Tesoreria Principal)
Ortuno, Ignacio de (Gefe de la Renta)
Hernandez, Casimiro (Gefe de la Renta)
Navarro, Juan (Jefe de la Renta)
Ramos, Felipe (Abogado Defensor)
Bustamante, Marques de
Velasco, Francisco (Escribano)
Alcalde, Antonio (Escribano)
Santa Cruz
Nuevo Mexico (Provincia)
Nueva Viscaya (Provincia)
Sonora (Provincia)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 227 ff. 160-168
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 227 ff. 160-168
Indice del ramo lists this letter as being part of expediente 9.
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Nombramiento para gobernador de la colonia del Nuevo Santander es el teniente coronel de Extremadura don Francisco Lopez.

Serial Number
Arredondo, Joaquin (Comandante General)
Lopez, Francisco (Gobernador)
End date
Texas, Monterrey, Aguayo, Marina. February 5, 1814-June 28, 1815. 52p. Letters. Originals, copies.
Arredondo replaces Juanicotena with Lopez as governor of the Colonia de Nuebo Santander because of Juanicotena's illness; index of letters in this sequence; Calleja approves personnel change; questions put forth on issue of Lopez being entitled to property pertaining to his post since he will be acting as an interim governor only, and similar question pertaining to salary; administrative letter from Lopez to Arredondo dealing with shipment of tobacco received from factory in Veracruz; Cisneros relates to Arredondo incident in which he had travel restrictions placed upon his person in connection wit goods belonging to him that were seized, names Lopez and alcalde of Marina as responsible; Lopez responds in detail to accusation that he treated Cisneros unjustly in matter of the seizure of his goods, noncompliance with directive sent through Aguado, and travel restriction declared by alcalde of Marina; letter from Lopez to Arredondo protesting Guerra's involvement in this matter insofar as he is a military official and he should not have involved himself in a purely civil matter; gobernador can only use a person of sargent rank or lower to be his scribe on military matters and Guerra as military officer receiving salary from the king should not be involved in civil matters - should be sent immediately to Aguayo where he is needed in the secretaria'; Arredondo threatens Lopez if he does not promptly comply with order to send Guerra, mentions possible judicial proceedings against Lopez by Cisneros in matter of seizure of goods and detention; letter from Arredondo giving Juanicotena leave from his duties as governor of Nuebo Santander; Lopez interprets Arredonda's sending him suddenly to Texas as an affront and asks the virrey that he be allowed to go to San Luis Potosi. (O. Velez, September 1989)
Lopez, Francisco (Gobernador, Teniente)
Juanicotena, Juan Fermin (Ex Gobernador)
Cisneros, Jose Maria
Arredondo, Joaquin (Comandant General)
Calleja, Felix Maria (Virrey)
Portugal, Fernando (Administrador de Renta)
Rodriguez, Antonio
Guerra, Jua (Alferez)
Aguado, Juan (Apoderado de Cisneros)
Equilios, Miguel
Perea, Lino (Alferez)
Bursunaris, Tomas de (Mariscal de Campo)
Chabarri, Ramon (Teniente de Dragones Provinciales)
Echeandia, Juan Jose de (Teniente Coronel)
Garza, Jose Rafael de (Cura)
Nuebo Santander
San Luis Potosi
Tampico (Pueblo)
Aguayo (Villa)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 227 ff. 080-105 exp.4
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 227 ff. 080-105 exp. 4
On f. 0087, second title appears in this sequence: El teniente coronel de Extremadura don Francisco Lopez sre haver sido despojado del gobierno de la colonia del Nuebo Santander.
Reference Number
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General Subjects