Disease (Viruelas)

1322. Excelentisimo senor. Con fecha de 24, del mes de septiembre que acabo, tengo expuesto a vuestra excelencia...

Serial Number
Herrera, Simon
End date
Monterrey. November 5, 1798. 144p. Letter. Original, signed.
Letter to Azanza concerning performance of bishop (apparently Llanos de Valdes) in Monterrey. Bishop wanted to move the seat of the dioces to Saltillo. author (Herrera) considered this a bad idea and stated he didn't understand why to Saltillo considering it was at the farthest edge of the Obispado. Others preferred other places such as the Valley of Santa Rosa. This desire to move the seat caused a lot of conflict. author contends that halting the construction was only a pretext on the part of the bishop, although he never clearly says what it was a pretext for or what the bishop's stated pretext was. author contended that the bishop's real reason for stopping the construction was that he wanted to move the seat of the diocese to Saltillo. author said that the bishop halted the construction and then bought houses and other property with the money intended to finance construction. The absence of a Hospital, in addition to the retiring of a doctor, made life especially difficult for the poor and the ill served by them. Also reference to viruelas in the city. author refers to the obligation of public officials to inspect (visitar) hospitals, which he implies hasn't been done. author lists Obispado, inspecting only the area immediately surrounding Monterrey; he hadn't delivered sacraments, so many were dying without having received them. (S. Langmack, March 1990)
Branciforte, Marques de (Virrey)
Rigada, Manuel Antonio de la
Landazuri, Cayetano
Blanco, Jose (Capitan)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Llanos de Valdes, Ambrosio (Obispo)
Vaamonde, Manuel (Coronel)
Posada, Ramon
Bustamante, Antonio (Gobernador)
Herrera, Simon
Azanza, Jose de (Virrey)
Monterrey (Ciudad)
Saltillo (Villa)
Coahuila (Provincia)
Nuevo Reyno de Leon
Nuevo Santander (Provincia)
Llera (Villa)
San Christoval (Mision)
Sierra Madre
San Lorenzo
Linares (Villa)
Santa Rosa (Valle)
San Fernando (Colegio)
San Gregorio
Antioquia (Provincia)
San Antonio de la Iguana
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 196 ff. 024-096 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 196 ff. 024-096 (Appro
Unnumbered folios. This series of documents begins with the phrase found in the title above. Ff. 38 and 90 repeated.
Reference Number
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