Letters written by Vaamonde and virrey concerning Indian attacks in Leon and its impacts on settlements and discussion of possible military reorganization in area to redress problem. First in this series begins with el senor comandante general.
Serial Number
Vaamonde, Manuel (Governador)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
End date
Monterrey, Mexico. October 10, 1791-December 03, 1791. 70pp. Approximate. Letters. Originals. Accusation that military campaign against indians has been slow and inefficient, goes into detail describing steps and strategies he has employed, attests to fact that he has also followed the virrey's orders to mount offensive campaign near Rio Grande (northern part), asks for reestablishment of two companies abolished by ugalde so that they May be transformed into 12 units, argues that the presence of these added troops would help encourage additional settlement and thereby add to sums collected in the form of diezmos, attack on presidio of punta de lamparos, indians attack yguana as one unit and then split up into two units and remain in area; vaamonde explains letter written to virrey in which virrey interpreted as being insolent, major point of contention being vaamonde request that two companies mentioned earlier be reestablished, cites the fact that indian attacks have increased because of the absence of the companies and that the area is a frontier and needs troops in order to establish the uncontestable reaches of the province, argues that the organization of these troops into 12 units of 29 men each would in some cases make for more successful settlements because the settlers would have as their primary concern things other than indian attacks, strategy he would have liked to use with the troops at his disposal would have been to keep them on the move continually so the indians would not be able to plan attack but small number of men and illness have made implementation of that strategy impossible. For that reason he seeks reestablishment of aforementioned companies; letter explains that the two companies abolished by ugalde without consultation with the preceeding governor Gonzales de santianes, says that when he requested the reestablishment of these from the current comandante general de armas Ramon de Castro he was severely rebuked and told that Coahuila was in dire need of said troops, makes same request of virrey and includes proposals on how this company would be paid -excise taxes, cites depopulation and poor agricultural output as consequences of settlers fears and divided attention, successful settlements would also improve the commercial integration of all of New Spain since these areas produce some important commodities, excise taxes to support troops would then be cost effective since vaamonde reasons producton in area would go up as well as consumption from added settlers; letter to virrey from vamonde telling of events in area as related to him by Ramon, information on troop movement in area of punta de lamparos and speaks of orders given to Ramon directly from Castro; letter from virrey to vaamonde mentioning his order on the subject of the reestablishment of the companies mentioned, will advise him on his decision. (O. Velez, September 1989)
Castro, Ramon de (Comandante General)
Laredo, Bustamante de (Capitan)
Ugalde, Juan de (Brigadier)
Arrambide, Juan de (Theniente)
Murgiez, Manuel (Alferes)
Valdez, Carmino (Alferes)
Vaamonde, Manuel (Governador)
Garza, Jose Manuel de la (Alferes)
Gorastiza, Pedro (Subinspector Mariscal de Campo)
Fuero, Pedro
Gonzales de Santianes, Vicente (Governador)
Ramon, Juan Ignacio (Theniente)
Carazco, Pedro (Theniente)
Punta de Lamparos (Presidio)
Vallecillo (Real)
Saltillo (Villa)
San Fernando
Coahuila (Provincia)
San Luis Potosi
Rio Salada
Rio Grande
Sabana Grande
Nuevo Santander
San Luis de la Paz
Rio Grande del Norte (Presidio)
Military Groups
Punta de Lamparos, Compania Volante de
America, Regimiento de Infanteria de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 548-583 (Approx) exp. 13
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 548-583 (Appro
Folios unnumbered. First in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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