Letter to virrey concerning defense of Escandon.
Serial Number
Valcarcel y Formento, Domingo
Gorraez Beaumont y Navarra, Joseph de (Secretario)
Cacela, Joseph Lucio (Licenciado)
and others
End date
Mexico. June 22 1765-December 7, 1776. 306p. Letters.
Signed. Concerns defense of Escandon; begins with minimization of charges and a briefly history of Escandons' ascendant career, merits from king; Escandon was in arms and participating in the ejection of British in Laguna in 1720; 1728, was named by virrey as sargento mayor later virrey gave him the title of Coronel; November 15, 1741, Escandon was named as teniente general de la Sierra gorda he gave missions to Franciscanos religious from San Diego de pachuca and San Fernando; he founded and establish four villages with no cost to the royal hacienda; September 3, 1746 in a royal decree full of eulogys virrey gives to Escandon all responsibilities in the mission of pacification de los barbaros de la Sierra gorda and he is named lugar teniente de la Costa del Seno Mexicano; December 1748, founded the first village in area which by 1759 had 20 villages; on folio 182 details of population; in 1757 virrey sent comission to investigate colony; in 1765 virrey orders Escandon to found five new villages in strategic places to stop the continual Indians attacks; strongest defense allegation is envy of Resendi family against Escandon and their plan to get him out of the colony and appeal to the virrey for the titles for their family; in folio 229 is a Spaniards description of Indians; defense by Escandon who defends himself charge by charge; since Escandon was commissioned by the virrey y la junta real de hacienda, they knew that it was a project that was subject to failure, in other words he was not obligated to succeed in his attempt; in selecting captains Escandon never chose the most specialized but selected the ones that were dedicated to the well being of the village; all that the fiscal imputed to Escandon was never supported with real evidence only anonimous statements from someone who heard rumors but had no hard evidence; not even fray Garcia was found in his mission to testify against Escandon to the auditors Osorio and Palacio; in regard to the murder of Indians by Escandon's captains, the fiscal never found witnesses; some of the crimes were investigated by Escandon and he found that the actions benefited the pacification and well being of the village. Escandon repremanded the captain and notified the capitania general. The women and children were placed in missions when the men were murdered or sent to a presidio but never were they sold and sent to Querataro in a collera as the accusations assert; in treatment of criminals, Escandon always followed the royal laws which permitted pardons of criminals if they serve the king. These people were serving the king by risking their lifes in the establishment of the colony; in regard to his rejection of Apaches, he argues it is well known that Apaches don't want anything except trading, and that Spain suffers terribles consequences when it assumes Apaches will remain peaceful in missions. He argued that too often they will suddenly murder, rape and destroy a village. For this reason Escandon avoided Apaches. On March 29, 1763, the royal cedula expired which authorized captain trenda y el ingeniero de la Camara alta to make the first audit of Escandon and nothing wrong was found except for the plot of the Resendi family, 17800 question the official informe by saying that it was corrupted by la voz de oro y Plata de Escandon pudo mas; but in the second audit nobody knew about it, not even the fiscal o el auditor and the results were no different. Escandon is exonerated from all charges. Descendants of Escandon have the right to claim what Escandon left them. (D. Bautista, November 1989)
Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Palacio, Juan Fernando (Gobernador)
Osorio y Llamas, Jose (Licenciado)
Escandon, Jose (Coronel)
Helguera Castillo, Antonio de la (Capitan)
Vertiz y Ontanon, Juan Joseph (Gobernador)
Casafuerte, Marques de (Virrey)
Vizarron y Eguiarreta, Juan Antonio de (Virrey)
Urtiaga, Josef
Malo de Villavicencio, Pedro (Capitan)
Ladron de Guevara, Antonio
Fernandez de Jauregui, Josef Antonio
Barguin de Montecuesta, Narciso
Fuenclara, Conde de (Virrey)
Altamira, Marques de (Auditor)
Ciprian, Ignacio Antonio (Fray)
Unsaga, Domingo de (Capitan)
Aranda, Marques de (Fiscal)
Amarillas, Marques de las (Virrey)
Tienda de Cuervo, Josef (Capitan)
Lopez, Agustin (Coronel)
Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey)
Velarde, Juan Antonio (Fiscal)
Cortez, Fernando (Heroe)
Resendi, Maria Barbara
Resendi, Maximiliano
Molina, Marcos (Indio)
Pereda, Bernardo (Teniente)
Rivera Maldonado, Juan de (Capitan)
Villalva, Juan de (Capitan)
Baptizta, Manuel (Gobernador)
Pedro Antonio (Indio)
Cruz, Salvador (Indio)
Gutierrez de Hermosillo, Christoval (Licenciado)
Hernandez, Francisco
Galves, Josef
Garcia, Josef Joachin
Soto Troncoso, Francisco
Rivas, Diego de
Puga, Antonio de (Capitan)
Puga, Antonio Favian de (Capitan)
Cornide, Diego (Asesor)
Andrew, Antonio (Fiscal)
Rodriguez Gallardo, Joseph Rafael (Licenciado)
Trascierra, Josef (Mulato)
Samora, Xavier
Rivera, Domingo
Troncoso, Francisco Ignacio (Alcalde)
Cerna, Joseph Vicente (Capitan)
Rios, Feliciano
Pachon, (Capitan)
Paz, Gregorio de la
Olvera, Christoval de
Pisana, Alejandro
Sesma, Miguel de (Gobernador)
Matta, Juan (Indio)
Soria, Salvador Manuel de (Indio)
Lucio, Juan (Indio)
Rio Frio (Poblador)
Cordova, Miguel de (Capitan)
Arroyo, Juan de
Masoni, Juan Josef (Gobernador)
Espinosa, Antonio de
Salazar, Francisco Xavier de (Fray)
Guardado (Indio)
Perchero, Francisco El (Indio)
Diaz, Thadeo
Cruz, Antonio de la (Indio)
Llata, Francisco de la (Administrador)
Moctesuma, Phelipe Miguel de
Ponce de Leon, Vicente
Roxo, Juan Antonio
Antonio Ricardo (Reo)
Lopez de Lara, Joseph
Izaguirre, Andres
Aguilar, Thomas de
Gallegos, Alejandro (Indio)
Fernandez, Joseph
Medrano, Isidro
Barberena, Juan Francisco (Capitan)
Bueno, Mariano
Baldurieso, Faustino
Zusarregui, Juan Maria de (Capitan)
Gallegos, Millan
Bernal, Joachin
Trevino, Marcelino
Hinojosa, Juan de
Sanchez Borrego, Joseph
Gonzalez Paredes, Pedro Josef
Vasquez Borrego, Josef (Capitan)
Alvarez, Nicolas (Capitan)
Rodriguez, Phelipe
Zepeda, Miguel de
Castro, Miguel de
Sanchez, Thomas (Capitan)
Vedoya, Pedro (Fiscal)
Fuentes, Luis de (Capitan)
Cornide y Savedra, Diego (Asesor)
Haro, Juan de
Ximenez, Basillo (Teniente)
Sandoval, Nicolas (Soldado)
Pisana, Alejandro (Sargento)
Olvera, Joseph Christoval
Ortiz, Thoribio
Bustillo, Juan Antonio (Almacenero)
Iglesias, Agustin de (Coronel)
Enriquez, Juan
Mendez, Xavier
Urias, Lorenzo Manuel de
Roque, Matheo
Garcia Mayoral, Pedro
Ortiz de Landasuri, Tomas
Areche, Jose Antonio de
Vlacarcel y Formento, Domingo
Gorraez Beaumont y Navarra, Joseph de (Secretario)
Cacela, Joseph Lucio (Licenciado)
Villalpando, Joaquin de
Olvera, Catarina de
Zamora, Andres
Hidalgo, Lorenzo
Toro (Indio)
Nuevo Santander
Gorda (Sierra)
Queretaro (Ciudad)
Yucatan (Provincia)
Pacula (Mision)
Fuenclara (Mision)
Guadalupe (Mision)
San Diego de Pachuca
San Fernando
San Nicolas
La Divina Pastora
Tampico (Ciudad)
Vizarron, Joseph (Poblacion)
Penamillera (Poblacion)
Herrera (Poblacion)
Valles (Villa)
Nuevo Reyno de Leon
Espiritu Santo (Bahia)
San Antonio de los Llanos
Flores (Llano)
Leones, Voca de
Sacramento (Presidio)
Llera (Villa)
Santa Barbara
Aguayo (Villa)
Soto la Marina
Verde (Rio)
Santa Dorotea (Parajes)
Balsameda (Villa)
Nueces (Potrero)
Encinos (Paraje)
Tetillas (Paraje)
Cadereita (Villa)
Pisona (Nacion)
Aguas (Paraje)
Laxa (Paraje)
Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe (Colegio)
Misisipi (Rio)
San Saba (Presidio)
San Xavier (Rio)
Igoyo (Mision)
Nuevo Mexico
Ruvoroso, Nuestra Senora de la Luz de (Mision)
San Pedro
Santa Rosa (Hacienda)
San Juan Baptizta
Cantaro (Paso)
Guadalejo (Rio)
Frio (Rio)
San Carlos
Cruillas (Villa)
San Joseph (Mina)
San Nicolas de Bercebu (Mina)
Ethnic Groups
Vocas Prietas
Military Groups
Metate, Esquadra de
Cerralvo, Esquadra de
Voca de Leones, Esquadra de
Rusias, Esquadra de
Altamira, Esquadra de
Horcasitas, Esquadra de
Escandon, Esquadra de
Llera, Esquadra de
Padilla, Esquadra de Volante
Santander, Esquadra de
Soto la Marina, Esquadra de
San Fernando, Esquadra de
Burgos, Esquadra de
Reynosa, Esquadra de
San Carlos, Esquadra de
Guemez, Esquadra de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 178 ff. 166-319
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 178 ff. 166-319
Reference Number
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