Don Manuel de la Sota Riva, teniente de granaderos del regimiento de infanteria de la corana de n.e. ...
Serial Number
Sota Riva, Manuel (Defensor)
Llera (dates not available). 28p. Letters, autos. Copies, transcriptions.
Series of autos in which teniente Sota Riva, defender of teniente Puga, accused of killing five peaceful Indian leaders, makes his case arguing that his client, teniente Puga, only followed order of his Superior, captain muergier. Sota Riva also proved that witnesses against Puga lied and accused them of perjury. Therefore, responsibility for the slaying of Indians should be placed upon captain Murgier (Series of arguments and examples are cited by Sota Riva, to prove the innocence of his client). Sota Riva also brought up situation in which Murgier had put in jail soldiers under his command so he could abuse their wives. Zamora, Cadena and Galvan are accused of perjury. Sota Riva concluded Murgier was a depraved man who took advantage of his position to govern as a tyrant and commit all kinds of crimes. (M. Marroquin, March 1989)
Puga, Antonio Fabian de (Teniente)
Sota Riva, Manuel de la (Defensor)
Lorenzo, Jose Antonio (Soldado)
Juan Jose (Indio)
Prieto Antonio (Indio)
Noparan, Salvador de (Indio)
Gonzalez (Indio)
Alonso (Indio)
Murgier, Manuel Maria (Capitan)
Serna, Jose Antonio de la (Teniente)
Vidal, Melchor (Coronel)
Vidal, Joaquin (Alferz)
Loperena, Sebastian (Cabo)
Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador)
Sierragorda, Conde de la (Comisionado)
Bujanos, Manuel (Alferez)
Soraya, Juan Miguel (Capitan)
Zamora, Manuel (Capitan)
Ugalde, Juan de (Brigadier)
Leon, Eugenio de (Sargento)
Galvan (Soldado)
Cadena (Soldado)
Quejas, Jose Maria (Alferez)
Olazaran, Jose Maria (Cabo)
Perez, Vicente Alexandro
Luna, Casiano (Soldado)
Barragan, Jose Ygnacio (Capitan)
Rodriguez, Ygancio
Nuevo Santander (Colonia)
Llera (Villa)
Aguayo (Villa)
Croix (Villa)
San Carlos
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Nuevo Santander, Segunda Compania Volante del
Nuevo Santander, Primera Compania Volante del
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 133 ff. 185-199
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 133 ff. 185-199
Microfilm reel has no consistent sequential folio numbers. Several sections without folio numbers. Filming appears to have been done out of order. Count given here is Film frame sequence, not numbers found on document. Folios for this summary start on folio 185, second page at the middle. Document incomplete
Reference Number
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