Disparate collection of letters from Ugalde and unsigned others to Lacomba concerning activities and organization of tercera compania Volante del Nuevo Santander.
Serial Number
Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante General)
End date
Nuevo Santander. January 16, 1789-August 1, 1790. 130p. Letters, decretos, informes, borradores. Originals, signed.
Disparate letters (some vague because refer to issue by Oficio tercera companias, promotions, suggestions of whom should fill vacant posts; traslados from Vidal excerpted; supplies needed for military campaign; granting of licencias; expressed satisfaction with Cosio's care of objetos del servicio; list of itemized cargos made by Ugalde to tercera compania (folio 79); discussion of conflicts with Indians; location of Reunion de companias; explanation of weapons to be used to protect Lacomba and others against Indians, Piedras de chispa to be transported to site of Reunion by Indians (folio 82); acknowledging receipt of diarios and other documents; orders for members of compania to return horses belonging to compania; increases in sueldo, excerpt of decreto by Flores declaring changes; money received from various who made cargos to compania; habilitacion of the compania; death of 78 Apaches, desire for similar future successes; responses to various pliegos from Lacomba;discussion of dates relating to Reunion de companias; Dovalina's improper conduct; reconsideration of Reunion scheduled because of weak state of Cavallada due to water shortage and conflicts with Indians (folio 99); discussion of how to defeat Indians; communication concerning movement of prisoners; Cosio granted permission to use horse and mules for military purpose; Series of letters regarding Lacomba, who is placed under house arrest and replaced by Cosio, following a 'lance' between Lacomba and Ponze de Borrego. Lacomba freed and granted permission to return to post when Galvan, Cosio's temporary replacement while Cosio at Reunion, found unable to complete necessary duties (folios 118-122); report that compania's position changed in order to better protect selves, towns from Lipanes' attacks, nearby towns notified, 90 horses killed despite precautions, more horses, general assistance requested; state of the forces of monlova company and the number of troops assigned to celebrate @la Campana' of August, 1789, and the number to remain in Quartel; letter dated 1790 from Ugalde regarding 'bajas' in compania since Campana, including desertors. (L. Kerr, July 1988)
Puga, Antonio Favian de (Teniente)
Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante General)
Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Cosio, Nicolas de
Bataller, Miguel (Auditor)
Menchaca, Jose (Teniente)
Martinez Pacheco, Leandro
Galvan, Manuel (Sargento)
Vidal de Lorca, Melchor (Coronel)
Sanchez, Antonio (Sargento)
Puga, Jose Maria (Soldado)
Ximenez, Joaquin (Soldado)
Dovalina, Manuel (Sargento)
Cortes, Juan (Teniente)
Ponze Borrego, Miguel (Teniente Politico)
Martinez, Juan Joseph (Soldado)
Borrego, Rafael (Armero)
Serna, Jose Antonio de la (Teniente)
Soto, Juan (Cavo)
Benavide, Joseph
Arocha, Joseph Ygnacio de (Cadete)
Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan (Gobernador)
Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel)
Echeagaray, Joseph Maria (Inspector)
Talamante, Mathes (Sargento)
Bela, Santiago (Soldado)
Bargas, Jose Maria
Urrutia, Manuel de
Santa Rosa (Valle)
Rio Grande (Presidio)
San Luis Potosi
Reyno (Mision)
Longoriza (Paso)
Sardinas (Rio)
Espiritu Santo (Bahia) (Presidio)
Burgos (Villa)
Astillero (Paso)
Rio Grande (Ganda(?) O Puesta)
San Carlos (Villa)
Vage (Punta)
Escondida (Campo)(Arroyo)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Nuevo Santander, Segunda Compania Volante del
Nuevo Santander, Tercera Compania Volante del
Aguaverde, Compania de
Monclova, Compania de
Parras, Compania de
Laredo, la Tropa de la Compania de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 052 ff. 067-132 exp. 1,2
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 052 ff. 067-132 exp. 1
Ink has bled through on some. Margins cut. Indice del ramo refers to entire Volume as expediente 1.
Reference Number
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