Civil- Military Conflict

Autos hechos a pedimiento del apoderado de el Marques de San Miguel de Aguayo sobre que pretende no deverse satisfacer a los duenos de las mulas que pasaron a la expedicion de los Tejas

Serial Number
Resio de Leon, Juan (Vicario)
Martines de Urizar, Bernardo (Priest)
San Miguel de Aguayo, Marques de
and others
End date
Saltillo, Mexico. July 31, 1723, April 7, 1724. 48 p. Informes, autos, peticiones. Originals, transcriptions.
Several vecinos from el Saltillo demand to be indemnified for their mules, which were confiscated by the marques de San Miguel de Aguayo in 1720 for transporting supplies to the presidio of Tejas. Aguayo argues that such confiscation was well within his faculties as gobernador of Tejas and was justified regarding the importance of the enterprise for the state (i.e., to prevent the expansion of the French colonies at the expense of the northern territories). In any event, the freight had already been paid, and in the contract was established that the owners were responsible for any casualty that might happen to the animals. The testimonies of several officers that participated in the trip confirm this position. (A. Nielsen, November 1989)
Resio de Leon, Juan (Vicario)
Martines de Urizar, Bernardo (Priest)
San Miguel de Aguayo, Marques de
Codallos y Raval, Joseph
Aguirre, Joseph de (Justicia Mayor)
Villavisensio, Guillermo Joseph de
Aguirre, Mathias de
Valero, Marques de (Gobernador)
Guaxardo, Miguel (Capitan)
Martines Guaxardo, Juan
Gusman, Agustin de (Fray)
Abrego, Bernardino de
Cardenas, Alonso de (Capitan)
Casafuerte, Marques de (Virrey)
Urtasum, Juan de
Hocono, Francisco Antonio de
Nogales, Miguel Martin de
Bezerra Luque, Francisco
Carroza Saavedra, Jose de
Saltillo, Santiago del (Villa)
Labradores, San Pablo de (Valle)
San Antonio (Presidio)
Rio Grande, San Juan Bautista del (Presidio)
Coaguila (Villa)
Bejar, San Antonio de
Moncloa, Santiago de la (Villa)
Parras, Santa Maria de las (Pueblo)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 183 ff. 051-074
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 183 ff. 051-074
Two different foliations, one of them coherent with the rest of the Volume.
Reference Number
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