Reports on construction, architecture, ornamentation, agriculture, population of missions listed in places category.
Serial Number
Ramos de Lora, Juan (Fray)(Presidente)
Possadas, Vizente (Teniente)
Trinidad, Manuel de la
and others
Nuevo Santander missions. October 29, 1772. 142p. Informes, letters. Transcribed, unsigned.
Monumental Tome detailing everything you ever wanted to know about the missions of Nuevo Santander. One document comprising many assembled, transcribed reports from missions of Jalpam, Conca, Tancoiol, Tilaco, Landa, Herrera, Rioverde. Most of first half deals with Tancoiol, second half with Conca; others interspersed. F.359 concerns Landa; F.365 Jalpam; F.374 Conca; F.386 caderreita, Sierragorda; F.387 Rioverde, Nuevo Santander. Topics shuffled together, include minutely detailed description of architecture, ornamentation, furnishing of missions; reports on population (especially ff.349, 358, 375), crops planted (f.356), Indian labor in construction (344), livestock. Occasional mention of number of weddings, deaths of Indians. F.388 mentions Guastecos at Conca deserting. F.399 Indians gathered from mission to search of deserters. Throughout document are references to various missionaries, their document appears on ff.407-417 of this volume; See next entry. (A. Dean, April 1990)
San Cristoval, Luis de
Escandon, Joseph de (Coronel)
Ribera Maldonado, Juan de (Capitan)
Possadas, Vizente (Teniente)
Rubio, Juachin Alexo (Teniente)
Barbero y Baldes, Francisco
Fernandez de Yragorri, Antonio
Trinidad, Manuel de la
Ramos, de Lora, Juan (Fray)(Presidente)
Cruzada, Antonio (Fray)
Crespi, Juan (Fray)
Ramires, Christobal
Alonso, Diego (Gobernador)
Paterno, Antonio (Fray)
Obiedo, Diego
Diego, Andres (Gobernador)
Campa, Miguel de la (Fray)
Villumbrales, Andres (Fray)
Moreno, Alonso (Gobernador)
Prestamero, Juan (Fray)
Mate, Andres (Fray)
Feliciano, Lucas (Gobernador)
Juez, Vizente (Comisario)
Morquia, Joseph Antonio (Fray)
Osorio, Joachin de (Fray)
Barbero Baldes, Francisco
Peres de Mesquia, Pedro (Fray)
Peres, Augustin (Indio)
Lopez, Phelipe (Comisario)
Fernandez de la Rama, Gaspar de la
San Chrisptobal, Luis
Rama, Christobal Manuel de
Rama, Pedro Pablo de
Lobaton, Mariano (Indio)
Marquez, Juan (Indio)
Conca, Lorenzo de (Indio)
Valverde, Juan de
Jalpam, Santiago de (Mision)
Conca, San Miguel de (Mision)
Tancoiol, Nuestra Serena Senora de la Luz de (Mision)
Tilaco (Mision)
Landa, Nuestra Senora de la Conzepzion del Agua de (Mision)
Herrera, Nuestra Senora del Mar de (Villa)
Rioverde, Santa Catharina Martir de (Pueblo)
Verde (Rio)
Cadereita (Villa)
Gorda (Sierra)
Nuevo Santander (Villa)
Queretaro (Ciudad)
San Fernando de Mexico (Colegio)
Lagunillas (Mision)
las Trancas (Arroyo)
Santa Maria del Rio (Pueblo)
Sausillo (Villa)
Arroyo Colorado (Paraje)
Herrera, Nuestra Senora del Mar de (Villa)
Escanela, San Pedro de (Real)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Rio Verde, Compania de Montados de la Custodia de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 249 ff. 336-406 exp. 25
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 249 ff. 336-406 exp. 2
Folios 389-398 have folio numbers on bottom left page, some printed upside down. F.399 duplicated. This document has internal numbering 1-70.
Reference Number
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