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Freighting in Yavapai April 17, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Friars versus bureaucrats: the mission as a threatened institution on the Arizona-Sonora frontier, 1767-1842 April 1974 Western Hist Q
Friars versus bureaucrats: the mission as a threatened institution on the Arizona-Sonora frontier, 1767-1842 April 1974 Western Hist Q
From Prescott to the presidency June 21, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
From saguaros to skis January 1948 Westways
Gail Gardner; a Prescott native who is a legend in the West April 4, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Gary Oden, Yuma, Ariz March 1973 Western Livestock J
Gary Oden, Yuma, Ariz. March 1973 Western Livestock J
George Phippen May 23, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Ghost towns die hard; Ghost of the past haunt the streets of Jerome but in the air is still an atmosphere of hope that something new will happen August 1953 Westways
Ghost trail on the Border July 1956 Westways
Giant Valley Bank gets even bigger by swallowing fastest growing rival March 9, 1953 Wall Street Journal
Give me my boots and sunshine: Phoenix has an ace in the hole in its western atmosphere and knows how to make the most of it September 1947 Westways
Gold on the Colorado April 1963 Westways
Golden shower in Arizona January 1958 Westways
Grace Mitchell November 1, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Graduation May 16, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Grand Canyon checkride Summer 1971 Western Gateways
Grand Canyon folds July 1948 Westways
Grand Canyon's Emery Kolb Summer 1971 Western Gateways
Granite Basin Lake March 21, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Granite Dells; a rewarding trip into Prescott's back yard October 11, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Granite Mountain School January 9, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Greener pastures for the Apache November 1954 Westways
Greener pastures for the Apache November 1954 Westways
Half century of progress: where we've been...where we're headed June 1972 Western Livestock J
Half century of progress: where we've been...where we're headed June 1972 Western Livestock J
Ham radio operators February 20 1976 Westward(Prescott Courier)
Happy Cly July 1961 Westways
Happy Cly July 1961 Westways
Hayden - the town designed to die is now a thriving community July 1957 Western City
Hayden, Arizona February 1959 Western City
He met a challenge August 2, 1956 Western Livestock J
He met a challenge August 2, 1956 Western Livestock J
He rides hard on buffalo! August 1964 Western Livestock J
Helicoptering it to Havasupai October 10 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Helicopters over Rainbow Bridge September 1961 Westways
Her gun said: 'Unhitch those mules!' Wily women of the West
Herbert E. Bolton and sources for American Indian studies January 1975 Western Hist Q
Herman Bendell: Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Arizona Territory, 1871-1873 April 1976 Western States Jewish Historical Q
High on a hilltop April 11, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Higher sales tax share sought by Arizona League's initiative petition August 1960 Western City
Higher sales tax share sought by Arizona League's initiative petition August 1960 Western City
History in concrete May 21, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Hogging for profit in Arizona March 1968 Western Livestock J
Home of the ancients November 1953 Westways
Home of the blue-green water people January 1952 Westways
Hon-dah in the land of the White Mountain Apaches April 1969 Western Livestock J
Hon-day in the land of the White Mountain Apaches April 1969 Western Livestock J
Horn carving April 16, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
How Indians replaced Geritol May 10 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
How it all began, the Pow Wow story Summer 1966 Western Gateways
How many units will a ranch carry? That depends! February 1964 Western Livestock J
How many units will a ranch carry? That depends! February 1964 Western Livestock J
How to start a museum and zoo without really trying Summer 1968 Western Gateways