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Rural stamping grounds February 1976 Westways
Sacred cave of the Papagos December 1951 Westways
Sagacious Saguaro; through the centuries it has provided desert Indians with fuel, shelter and food November 1952 Westways
Sam Saum, fiddle maker September 24, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Samuel H. Drachman in 1873 July 1976 Western States Jewish Hist Q
Santa Claus to the Navajos December 1953 Westways
Santa Cruz County, land of the holy cross Summer 1971 Western Gateways
Scandal circa 1896 May 24, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Science behind the plow June 1947 Westways
Science behind the plow June 1947 Westways
Science invades the (No Suggestions) January 1959 Westways
Scottsdale reannexes one half its populace on a weekend March 1966 Western City
Scottsdale revolutionizes residental refuse collection March 1971 Western City
Scottsdale revolutionizes residential refuse collection March 1971 Western City
Scottsdale used "over the shoulder" and "in house" aids for planning July 1975 Western City
Scottsdale's town enrichment program involves people May 1968 Western City
Scottsdale, the West's most western town April 1954 Western Ways
Search for the Mission Gold October 1, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Search for the Mission Gold October 8, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Selective radio system installed by Phoenix Fire Department August 1958 Western City
Self-liquidating shipyard September 1944 Westways
Sharlot Hall on men July 26, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Ships of the desert; the saga of Arizona's camels August 30 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Shop at the trading posts July 1958 Westways
Shot in the West October 1975 Westways
Shrine at St. Joseph January 2, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Shrine of St. Joseph January 2, 1976 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Sid Burns: Western sculptor April 15, 1977 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Sid Despain rides again April 17, 1974 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Side show; off the beaten trail in the high plateau... is a fascinating trip to a wild and beautiful canyon July 1953 Westways
Sierra Vista's swimming pool result of community effort April 1971 Western City
sighting six in '76 July 1976 Westways
Six westerners: 1. Sid Wislon of Tombstone November 1969 Westways
Six westerners: 3. River runner (anonymous) November 1969 Westways
Sky stones December 1974 Westways
Smelling, tasting, and hearing wilderness May 30 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Snake rite August 1974 Westways
Soaring on wings and a prayer August 22, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Solar energy January 31, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Solving the mystery of the lost Hohokam May 1955 Westways
Solving the mystery of the lost Hohokam May 1955 Westways
Some fact, some fiction about John B. Stetson's legacy April 1961 Western Livestock J
Something new has been added December 12, 1975 Westward (Prescott Courier)
Sound management grows more beef November 1956 Western Livestock J
Sound management grows more beef November 1956 Western Livestock J
Sound management grows more beef November 1956 Western Livestock J
Southern Arizona devil lore April 1967 Western Folklore
Southern Arizona weather lore July 1967 Western Folklore
Southwest classic reread: Joseph Wood Krutch's "The Desert Year" June 1971 Westways
Southwest Classics Reread: A land to know, a West to love December 1972 Westways
Southwest Classics Reread: A prophetic passage February 1973 Westways
Southwest Classics Reread: A prophetic passage February 1973 Westways
Southwest Classics Reread: How he pictured the West March 1973 Westways
Southwest Classics Reread: Song of the Southwest May 1973 Westways
Spanish explorers of the Grand Canyon August 1964 Western Explorer