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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
The daring young man and the dashing state seal February 1962 Point West
The dead shot September 1926 Prog Ariz
The Dean Kirk ketoh collection Spring 1964 Plateau
The Desert Ark March-April 1959 Pacific Discovery
The desert laboratory October 1926 Prog Ariz
The desert of the Little Colorado River basin Fall 1964 Plateau
The desert of the Little Colorado River basin Fall 1964 Plateau
The desert, a living phenomenon 1975 Persimmon Hill
The destruction of Elden Pueblo, a Hopi story October 1955 Plateau
The destruction of Elden Pueblo, a Hopi story October 1955 Plateau
The determination of archaeological structure: an example from the Cerbat Mountains, Arizona Summer 1974 Plateau
The developer-builder fights back November 1972 Phoenix
The developer-builder fights back November 1972 Phoenix
The developer-builder fights back November 1972 Phoenix
The development of Arizona's mining college March 1926 Prog Ariz
The devil dance of the Apaches November 1931 Prog Ariz
The disabled world war veeteran at work July 1927 Prog Ariz
The distribution of the Indians of Arizona in 1848 January 1945 Plateau
The docents of PAM September 1976 Phoenix
The doctor and the system September 1960 Point West
The doctor and the system September 1960 Point West
The downtown decision August 1973 Phoenix
The downtown vision August 1973 Phoenix
The drummer's special Fall 1974 Password
The Dry Creek site: a pre-pottery lithic horizon in the Verde Valley, Arizona July 1950 Plateau
The early beginnings October 1970 Phoenix
The ecological role of fire in North Rim forests, Grand Canyon National Park Spring 1974 Plateau
The ecological role of fire in North Rim forests, Grand Canyon National Park Spring 1974 Plateau
The economy ,75 August 1976 Phoenix
The emancipated woman April 1966 Phoenix Point West
The emissions control controversy March 1976 Phoenix
The eruption of sunset crater as an eye witness might have observed it October 1937 Plateau
The eruption(s) of sunset crater: dating and effects Fall 1967 Plateau
The establishment of the Hopi reservation and some later developments concerning Hopi lands October 1950 Plateau
The establishment of the Hopi reservation and some later developments concerning Hopi lands October 1950 Plateau
The establishment of the Hopi reservation and some later developments concerning Hopi lands October 1950 Plateau
The ethno-archaeology of Hopi pottery making Summer 1969 Plateau
The evolution of the Southwest Indian pottery May 1975 Phoenix
The executive makers October 1969 Phoenix
The executive makers June 1977 Phoenix
The executive makers June 1977 Phoenix
The exploration of limestone solution cracks May 1938 Plateau
The famous Clifton jail August 1926 Prog Ariz
The fast-food franchise game April 1971 Phoenix
The fate of the mountains April 1972 Phoenix
The fate of the mountains April 1972 Phoenix
The fate of the mountains April 1972 Phoenix
The finding of the Silver King Mine, an Arizona Bonanza January 1964 Point West
The fine young chief: Native America's coyote on the Colorado Plateau 1990 Plateau
The fine young chief: Native America's coyote on the Colorado Plateau 1990 Plateau
The first conquest of the Grand Canyon October 1925 Prog Ariz
The first cowboy sculptor 1976 Persimmon Hill
The first cowboy sculptor 1976 Persimmon Hill
The first cowboy sculptor 1976 Persimmon Hill
The first cowboy sculptor 1976 Persimmon Hill