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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
New blood in an age old country December 1928 Prog Ariz
New dam at Lake Pleasant March 1927 Prog Ariz
New digs at Pueblo Grande July 1976 Phoenix
New digs at Pueblo Grande July 1976 Phoenix
New directions in home-building March 1968 Phoenix
New drama on the desert: the Breech house January 1961 Point West
New enterprises of the Casa Grande Valley March 1929 Prog Ariz
New environment replace the old stereotypes February 1973 Phoenix
New faces in the city September 1961 Point West
New fossil plants from the Chinle formation Summer 1969 Plateau
New highway opens in virgin country May 1926 Prog Ariz
New highway opens in virgin country May 1926 Prog Ariz
New life for an early Arizona homestead October 1972 Phoenix
New look at Apacheland February 1976 Phoenix
New look at Apacheland February 1976 Phoenix
New look for the Heard March 1969 Phoenix
New plants for Arizona from Grand Canyon National Park and Marble Canyon Fall 1966 Plateau
New records of northern Arizona birds Summer 1967 Plateau
New to the Valley August 1974 Phoenix
Newcomer baiting November 1964 Phoenix Point West
Newcomers to the Valley scene April 1977 Phoenix
News of the rodeo February 1960 Prog Ariz
No biz like show biz in the old days August 1970 Phoenix
No Man's Island, the land between Arizona and California that neither state will claim September-October 1953 Pacific Discovery
No Man's Island, the land between Arizona and California that neither state will claim September-October 1953 Pacific Discovery
No Man's Island, the land between Arizona and California that neither state will claim September-October 1953 Pacific Discovery
No platooning for them September 1967 Phoenix
Noble June 1963 Point West
Nogales April 1959 Pipeliner
Nogales April 1959 Pipeliner
Nora Naranjo-Morse, Santa Clara sculptor 1989 Plateau
Nora Naranjo-Morse, Santa Clara sculptor 1989 Plateau
Northern Arizona meteorites August 1930 Plateau
Northern Arizona ranch June 1932 Prog Ariz
Northern Arizona's first farmers October 1934 Plateau
Northern Arizona, a summer vacation land June 1932 Prog Ariz
Note on a burial on the upper Verde River October 1956 Plateau
Notes of Arizona flora January 1959 Plateau
Notes on Apache Junction February 1970 Phoenix
Notes on aquatic flowering plants with four additions to Arizona flora April 1961 Plateau
Notes on aquatic non-flowering plants of northern Arizon and adjoining regions January 1961 Plateau
Notes on Hopi brocading October 1938 Plateau
Notes on nothern Arizona plants Winter 1965 Plateau
Notes on obsolete Navaho ceremonies January 1951 Plateau
Notes on some White Mountain Apache sacial pachologies Summer 1969 Plateau
Notes on the derivation of the naja Spring 1970 Plateau
Notes on the derivation of the naja Spring 1970 Plateau
Notes on the discovery of Betatakin April 1955 Plateau
Notes on the discovery of Kiet Siel January 1955 Plateau
Notes on the geology of northern Arizona, no. 2, the Moencopi sandstone August 1935 Plateau
Notes on the Indian crafts of northern Arizona January 1938 Plateau
Notes on the orchids of northern Arizona January 1961 Plateau
Notes on the weaving of prehistoric pueblo textiles July 1941 Plateau
Notes upon a primitive stone industry of the Little Colorado Valley January 1942 Plateau
Noteworthy problems August 1974 Phoenix