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Bisbee, Arizona, the greatest copper mining center of the great Southwest May-June 1914 Out West, n.s.
Bitter sunset Summer 1966 Old West
Bitter sunset Summer 1966 Old West
Black Monday Fall 1971 Old West
Blacktail jackrabbit April 1977 Outdoor Ariz
Bloody Basin: a tale of two Brooklyns January 1977 Outdoor Ariz
Bloody night on the Gila Summer 1972 Old West
Bloody night on the Gila Summer 1972 Old West
Bloody night on the Gila Summer 1972 Old West
Blue riches halfway to the sky Spring 1968 Old West
Blue riches halfway to the sky Spring 1968 Old West
Boat camping June 1971 Outdoor Ariz
Bonanza in the Santa Ritas Winter 1970 Old West
Bonanza in the Santa Ritas Winter 1970 Old West
Bowman's Diggin's: the end of the line May 1976 Outdoor Ariz
Bowman's Diggin's: the end of the line May 1976 Outdoor Ariz
Boyce Thompson Arboretum March 1972 Outdoor Ariz
Boyce Thompson Arboretum March 1972 Outdoor Ariz
Bradshaw brand gold November 1976 Outdoor Ariz
Bradshaw brand gold November 1976 Outdoor Ariz
Bringing 'em back alive from Sonora December 1, 1973 Ole (Tucson Daily Citizen)
Bronco and bronco twister February 1908 Out West
Brushstroke history of a dying culture March 1976 Outdoor Ariz
Brushstroke history of a dying culture March 1976 Outdoor Ariz
Bucking the backbone October 1976 Outdoor Ariz
Bucking the backbone October 1976 Outdoor Ariz
Bud is no politician? January 15, 1977 Ole (Tucson Daily Citizen)
Bullying the "Quaker Indians" June 1903 Out West
Bullying the Quaker Indians June 1903 Out West
Bullying the Quaker Indians July-October 1903 Out West
Bullying the Quaker Indians July-October 1904 Out West
Bullying the Quaker Indians July-October 1905 Out West
Bullying the Quaker Indians July-October 1906 Out West
Bullying the Quaker Indians July-October 1907 Out West
Busting the Border March 5, 1977 Ole (Tucson Daily Citizen)
Calling cactus country critters March 1975 Outdoor Ariz
Calling cactus country critters March 1975 Outdoor Ariz
Can a herd of Bighorns survive a horde of people? June 30 1973 Ole (Tucson Daily Citizen)
Can a herd of Bighorns survive a horde of people? June 30 1973 Ole ( Tucson Daily Citizen)
Can a herd of Bighorns survive a horde of people? June 30 1973 Ole (Tucson Daily Citizen)
Can Emmett McLoughlin defeat Mo Udall, Ron Asta, the no-growth movement and the desert using the jawbone of an ass? July 5, 1975 Ole (Tucson Daily Citizen)
Can Emmett McLoughlin defeat Mo Udall, Ron Asta, the no-growth movement and the desert using the jawbone of an ass? July 5, 1975 Ole (Tucson Daily Citizen)
Candle of the desert July 1972 Outdoor Ariz
Canyon cruising June 19, 1976 Ole (Tucson Daily Citizen)
Carrillo School sets its annual Las Posadas December 12, 1970 Ol
Casa Grande: mysterious Great House January 1977 Outdoor Ariz
Centipedes and millipedes April 1974 Outdoor Ariz
Chief Chipps and cohorts take over Coolidge September 29, 1973 Ole (Tucson Daily Citizen)
Climax Jim Spring 1968 Old West
Climax Jim Spring 1968 Old West
Climb to the top of Babo March 1972 Outdoor Ariz
Climb to the top of Babo March 1972 Outdoor Ariz
Coal Canyon: home of the Ghost Lady March 1975 Outdoor Ariz
Cochise's stronghold --- a citadel without walls January 1975 Outdoor Ariz
Cochise's stronghold --- a citadel without walls January 1975 Outdoor Ariz