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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
The tales those nurses told!: Public Health nurses among the Pueblo and Navajo Indians April 1990 N M Hist Rev
The tilted scalse of justice April 25-May 1, 1990 New Times
The tilted scalse of justice May 2-8, 1990 New Times
The wind is everywhere: conversations with Paul Ethelbah and Edgar Perry Jr. as told to Michael Moore Fall 1988 Native Peoples
The Zuni tribal band July 1953 New Mexico
The Zuniga journal, Tucson to Santa Fe: the opening of a Spanish trade route 1788-1795 January 1931 N M Hist Rev
The Zuniga journal, Tucson to Santa Fe: the opening of a Spanish trade route, 1788-1795 January 1951 N M Hist Rev
This bill sucks May 17-23, 1989 New Times
Too uppity for Ortega February 27-March 5, 1991 New Times
Tracking the ancient skies Winter 1988 Native Peoples
Tribe faces second land dispute January 30 1975 Navajo Times
Two Gray Hills - America's costliest rugs April 1959 New Mexico Magazine
Uncle Sam's camel corps October 1926 N M Hist Rev
War and peace: two Arizona diaries April 1949 N.M. Hist Rev
War and peach: two Arizona diaries April 1949 N M Hist Rev
Was Fray Marcos a liar? April 1941 N M Hist Rev
Western hats, significance of hat creases March 1961 New Mexico
Who's who on the Navajo reservation April 1960 Navajo Times
World's most expensive guidebook: Bartlett's love for old and New Mexico cost the U.S. $10.5 million January-February 1970 New Mexico Magazine
Zuni rain makers April 1960 New Mexico
[Diary of Ammon M. Tenney] April 1949 N M Hist Rev
[Diary of Ammon N. Tenney] April 1949 N. M. Hist Rev
[Diary of F. A. Cook, 1864] April 1949 N M Hist Rev
[Diary.] April 1949 N.M.Hist.Rev.
[Diary] April 1949 N.M.Hist.Rev
[Diary] April 1949 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] October 1945 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] January 1934 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] April 1934 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] July 1934 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] October 1934 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] January 1934 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] April 1934 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] July 1934 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] October 1934 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] January 1935 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] October 1935 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] January 1935 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] October 1935 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] January 1936 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] April 1936 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] July 1936 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] January 1936 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] April 1936 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] July 1936 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] January 1937 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] October 1937 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] January 1937 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] October 1937 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] April 1938 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] April 1938 N M Hist Rev
[untitled] April 1945 N M Hist Rev