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Culinary practices of the Mohave Indians Spring 1968 El Palacio
Cultural modifications of the Gila Pima: A. D. 1697-A. D. 1846 Winter 1973 Ethnohistory
Cultural modifications of the Gila Pima: A. D. 1697-A. D. 1846 Winter 1973 Ethnohistory
Death of a society: the Halchidhomas Spring 1963 Ethnohistory
Disease and death among the Anasazi: some notes on Southwestern paleopidemiology 1970 El Palacio
Document reference to a Navajo Naach'id in 1840 Spring 1963 Ethnohistory
Dr. William W. Wasley blazed many trails June 1970 El Palacio
Estimation of intensity of land use form ethnobiology; applied to the Yuma Indians Spring 1957 Ethnohistory
Estimation of intensity of land use from ethnobiology: applied to the Yuma Indians Spring 1957 Ethnobiology
Ethnoarchaelofical research at Canyon del Muerto, Arizona: a Navajo example Fall 1973 Ethnohistory
Ethnoarchaelogical research at Canyon del Muerto, Arizona: a Navajo example Fall 1973 Ethnohistory
Ethnobiology and climate in the Southwest October 1952 El Palacio
Explorations on the lower Gila March 5, 1927 El Palacio
Five Navajo amulets Summer 1964 El Palacio
Food animals of the Navajo June 1-15, 1938 El Palacio
Fort Defiance January 1953 El Palacio
Fort Selden, New Mexico 1974 El Palacio
Further notes on the archaeology of the Navajo country July 7, 1928 El Palacio
Further notes on the archeology of the Navajo country July 7, 1928 El Palacio
Gerald Nailor, famous Navajo artist 1917-1952 September 1952 El Palacio
Headmen and war chanters: role theory and the early Canyoncito Navajo Winter 1969 Ethnohistory
Headmen and war chanters: role theory and the early Canyoncito Navajo Winter 1969 Ethnohistory
History of the Papago Indians April 2, 1923 El Palacio
Holy Saturday: a Yaqui ceremony in Pascua Village June 1960 El Palacio
Hoskaninni: a gold minig venture in Glen Canyon Summer 1962 El Palacio
Hoskaninni: a gold mining venture in Glen Canyon Summer 1962 El Palacio
Hoskaninni: a gold mining venture in Glen Canyon Summer 1962 El Palacio
How old is Southwestern Indian silverwork? October 6/27, 1928 El Palacio
How the Navajo adopt rites April 1939 El Palacio
How to tell a genuine Navajo rug 1974 El Palacio
Indian artistry in wood and other media January-February 1957 El Palacio
Indian Arts Fund collection of paintings December 1948 El Palacio
Indian head state Winter 1968 El Palacio
Indian legends March 16, 1932 El Palacio
Indian legends March 16, 1932 El Palacio
Interviews with four Navajos: a view of the present, a look at the future Autumn 1968 El Palacio
Introduction to Zuni fetishism June 1943 El Palacio
Introduction to Zuni fetishism July 1943 El Palacio
Introduction to Zuni fetishism August 1943 El Palacio
Introduction to Zuni fetishism September 1943 El Palacio
Introduction to Zuni fetishism October 1943 El Palacio
Jose Lewis Brennan's account of Papago "customs and other references" Summer 1959 Ethnohistory
Jose Lewis Brennan's account of Papago "customs and other references" Summer 1959 Ethnohistory
Kachinas 1970 El Palacio
Legends of three Navaho games July 1945 El Palacio
Legends of three Navaho games July 1945 El Palacio
Loose-structuring as exhibited in a case study of Navajo religious learning Spring 1964 El Palacio
Mesoamerican Indians in the early Southwest Winter 1974 Ethnohistory
Military transculturation of northern Piman Indians, 1782-1821 Fall 1972 Ethnohistory
Military transculturation of northern Piman Indians, 1782-1821 Fall 1972 Ethnohistory
Modern developments in Indian jewelry June 1950 El Palacio
Modern residence patterns among the Navajo Spring-Summer 1963 El Palacio
Mortuary practices of the Mohave Indians 1974 El Palacio
Mortuary practices of the Mohave Indians 1974 El Palacio
Mythology comes to life at Zuni February 3, 1932 El Palacio