Cattle outlook for 1975 |
June 1975 |
Ariz Cattlelog |
Cattle raising and spanish speech in Southern Arizona |
Summer 1946 |
Ariz Q |
Cattle royalty court convenes in Phoenix |
January 3, 1965 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Cattle rustlers active in early days of Gila Valley |
September-October 1976 |
Ariz Sheriff |
Cattle sold at $3.00 per head |
January 19, 1969 |
Arizona |
Cattle, guns and cowboys |
October 1970 |
Ariz Hwys |
Cattle, guns and cowboys |
October 1970 |
Ariz Hwys |
Cattle, guns and cowboys |
October 1970 |
Ariz Hwys |
Cattlemen complete territorial organization; Reprint from Arizona Republican, Jan. 5, 1904 |
January 1954 |
Ariz Cattlelog |
Cattlemen in convention in Tucson this afternoon; Reprint from Tucson Daily Citizen October 12, 1904 |
January 1954 |
Ariz Cattlelog |
Cattlemen say labor unions and government increase beef prices |
June 1976 |
Ariz Cattlelog |
Cattlemen turn to sprinklers for permanent pasture |
July 1976 |
Ariz Farmer-Ranchman |
Caught in the MD-DO crossfire |
October 26, 1975 |
Arizona |
Caught in the MD-DO crossfire |
October 26, 1975 |
Arizona |
Cause: crime - categories: unlimited |
August 11, 1963 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Cause: crime - categories: unlimited |
August 11, 1963 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Causes of respiratory allergy in Arizona |
June 1977 |
Ariz Med |
Causes of respiratory allergy in Arizona |
July 1977 |
Ariz Med |
Cave Creek |
April 1950 |
Ariz Hwys |
Cave Creek cooks a long the ol' Hohokam trail |
August 21, 1966 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Cave Creek cooks along the ol' Hohokam trial |
August 21, 1966 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Cave Creek, Arizona |
February 14, 1954 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Cecil Clinton Billingsley, 1889-1954 |
May 1965 |
Ariz Cattlelog |
Cecil Harold Miller, 1900- |
April 1968 |
Ariz Cattlelog |
Cement manufacturing industry in Arizona |
June 1919 |
Ariz |
Cemented relations |
March 21, 1976 |
Arizona |
Censorship and the Pulliam press |
December 1961 |
Ariz Frontiers |
Centennial recalls old days |
December 20 1970 |
Arizona |
Central |
October 1935 |
Ariz Hist Rev |
Central Arizona Cattle Feeders organized in 1933 |
August 1977 |
ACG Outlook |
Central Arizona Project alternative |
October 1966 |
Ariz Bsns Bul |
Central Arizona Project update |
June 1976 |
Ariz Farmer-Ranchman |
Centuries old craft revival |
October 25, 1953 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Centuries old craft revival; Scottsdale artists design stained glass for modern homes |
0 25, 1953 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Ceremony in the valley; a Navajo girl blossoms into womanhood |
April 1956 |
Ariz Hwys |
Ceremony in the Valley; a Navajo girl blossoms into womanhood |
April 1956 |
Ariz Hwys |
Certificate of Need Program for health care institutions |
December 1975 |
Ariz Med |
Challenge on wheels |
May 12, 1963 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Challenge on wheels |
May 12, 1963 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Challenge/Discovery |
April 1972 |
Ariz Hwys |
Challenge/Discovery |
April 1972 |
Ariz Hwys |
Chameleon Central |
May 16, 1971 |
Arizona |
Champion fiddler |
September 27, 1953 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Champion greyhounds pint-sized and plucky |
July 9, 1961 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Champion greyhounds, pint-sized and plucky |
July 9, 1961 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Champions on parade |
October 1968 |
Ariz Hwys |
Champions on parade |
October 1968 |
Ariz Hwys |
Championship bale rollers will compete in Chandler |
May 17, 1959 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Chandler -- a five-star city; city fathers point with pride to cotton, citrus, cattle, climate and charm |
November 10 1957 |
Ariz Days & Ways |
Chandler, a modern town where only a few years ago sage brush and cactus grew |
October 1921 |
Ariz |
Chandler, Arizona a wonder town that has sprung up in a land of magic |
June 1950 |
Ariz |
Chandler, city of progress |
December 1958 |
Ariz Bsns Bul |
Changes in Arizona retail trade |
February 1960 |
Ariz Bsns Bul |
Changes in Arizona's retail trade: 1963-1967 |
April 1970 |
Ariz Rev |
Changing retail food prices in the Tucson area |
March 1966 |
Ariz Rev |