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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
The route of James O.Pattie on the Colorado in 1826 Summer 1964 Arizona and the West
The roving historian December 31, 1972 Arizona
The ruins nobody sees January 8, 1967 Arizona
The ruins of old whatchamacallit August 8, 1965 Ariz Days & Ways
The ruins of old whatchmacallit August 8, 1965 Ariz Days & Ways
The runaway July 26, 1970 Arizona
The sacred mountain May 21, 1967 Arizona
The sad state of the horse theif business August 16, 1970 Arizona
The Saddle and Surrey Ranch: preserving the way it was out West October 1974 Ariz Artisan
The saddle makers March 21, 1965 Ariz Days & Ways
The saddle makers March 21, 1965 Ariz Days & Ways
The saddle makers March 21, 1965 Ariz Days & Ways
The Safford Valley - a region of stable growth June 1966 Ariz Rev
The Safford Valley - a region of stable growth June 1966 Ariz Rev
The saga of Butterfield's Overland Mail January 1967 Amer History Illustrated
The saga of Clyde - may his tribe increase December 1967 Ariz Wildlife Sportsman
The saga of Father Kino M 1961 Ariz Hwys
The sage of the Bradshaws earned right to his title December 18, 1955 Ariz Days & Ways
The saguaro seeders February 28, 1971 Arizona
The sailing regatta June 26, 1966 Ariz Days & Ways
The sails on Havasu March 31, 1968 Arizona
The saint of the cowboys August 30 1964 Ariz Days & Ways
The Salt 's navy attests to a once-moist river December 9, 1956 Ariz Days & Ways
The Salt River Lakes March 1952 Ariz Wildlife Sportsman
The Salt River Project September-October 1915 Ariz 5
The salt River Project, its possibilities April 1910 Ariz
The Salt River Valley January 1893 Ariz Mag
The Salt River Valley January 1893 Ariz Mag
The Salt River Valley January 1893 Ariz Mag
The Salt River Valley August 1910 Ariz
The Salt River Valley in "the good old days" September 30 1962 Ariz Days & Ways
The Salt Rriver Project April 1961 Ariz Hwys
The salted gold September 7, 1975 Arizona
The San Carlos Apache police July 1930 AHR
The San Carlos Apache police October 1930 AHR
The San Marcos, Chandler's pride November 1913 Ariz
The San Pedro Valley February 1970 Ariz Hwys
The San Rafael Cattle Company, a Pennsylvania enterprise in Arizona Summer 1966 Ariz and the West
The San Rafael Cattle Company, a Pennsylvania enterprise in Arizona Summer 1966 Ariz and the West
The San Rafael Cattle Company, a Pennsylvania enterprise in Arizona Summer 1966 Ariz Days & Ways
The Santa Gertrudis in Arizona August 1965 Ariz Hwys
The Santa Rita January 1948 Ariz Cattlelog
The Santa Rita February 1948 Ariz Cattlelog
The Santa Rita - It's both the old and the new Tucson September 1973 Ariz Artisan
The Santa Rita - It's both the old and the new Tucson September 1973 Ariz Artisan
The Santa Rosa Mountains September 18, 1966 Ariz Days & Ways
The Saturday night dance at Gisela August 18, 1974 Arizona
The scar on Mr. Baldy, a quarter-century later October 15, 1967 Arizona
The scene for scenics August 11, 1968 Arizona
The scene for scenics August 11, 1968 Arizona
The scholarly assessment of Wyatt March 1, 1964 Ariz Days & Ways
The school bus to Dateland February 27, 1966 Ariz Days & Ways
The school library: no place for first graders? April 24, 1960 Ariz Days & Ways
The school library: no place for first graders? April 24, 1960 Ariz Days & Ways
The school nurse December 29, 1963 Ariz Days & Ways