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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
The impact of rising health insurance and health care costs on business January 1977 Ariz Bsns
The impact of tax reform on the livestock industry, part 1 September 1972 Ariz Cattlelog
The impact of the tax reforms on the livestock industry, part 1. National Livestock Tax Committee September 1972 Ariz Catalog
The impact of Tucson shoppers on the Phoenix retail market June-July 1973 Ariz Bsns
The implications of the Colorado River suit to Arizona September 1963 Ariz Bsns Bul
The importance of the cattle industry November 1956 Ariz Cattlelog
The Inca bone and kindred formations among the ancient Arizonians October 1889 Am Anthrop
The incredible Kangaroo rat - he's really "on the wagon" September 6, 1964 Ariz Days & Ways
The incredible shrinking pedestal November 1989 Ariz Trend
The Indestructibles August 1968 Az Hwys
The Indian culture has something to say April 18, 1971 Arizona
The Indian lives in a vast land not unlike that of rural America 50 years ago January 7, 1968 Arizona
The Indian Police October 14, 1973 Arizona
The Indian role in 1867 Centennial celebration 1976 Amer Ind Culture & Research J
The Indian view of night September 1974 Ariz Hwys
The Indian view of night September 1974 Ariz Hwys
The Indian view of night September 1974 Ariz Hwys
The Indian's education November 14, 1976 Arizona
The Indian's silent partner October 1952 Ariz Hwys
The Indians and the indigo September 2, 1973 Arizona
The Indians had the indigo September 2, 1973 Arizona
The Indians of Paul Pletka June 1975 Ariz Hwys
The Indians of Paul Pletka June 1975 Ariz Hwys
The Indians were grinning December 21, 1975 Arizona
The influence of Frank Lloyd Wright April 9, 1967 Arizona
The informer July 8, 1973 Arizona
The ingenious escape December 1, 1968 Arizona
The ingenious escape December 1, 1968 Arizona
The inner city drinker June 17, 1973 Arizona
The instant ecologists: awareness yes, but let's not get hysterical June 6, 1971 Arizona
The instrument which conveyed St. Johns to the Mormons November 1973 Ariz Cattlelog
The instrument which conveyed St. Johns to the Mormons November 1973 Ariz Cattlelog
The international mystery January 29, 1956 Ariz Days & Ways
The intrepid lawman November-December 1967 Ariz Sheriff
The introduction of livestock into Arizona July 1915 Ariz
The intruder: a tragedy stirred a white man's understanding of Navajos May 28, 1967 Arizona
The Iron King Mine February 11, 1962 Ariz Days & Ways
The irresistible lure November 27, 1966 Ariz Days & Ways
The Jerome deportation of 1917 Autumn 1969 Ariz and the West
The Jerome deportation of 1917 Autumn 1969 Ariz and the West
The Jerome Hilton May 1972 Ariz Hwys
The Jerome Hilton May 1972 Ariz Hwys
The Jesus singers February 28, 1971 Arizona
The jet train across Arizona September 26, 1971 Arizona
The job seekers' friend May 4, 1969 Arizona
The job seekers' friend May 4, 1969 Arizona
The John Birch Society in Phoenix, a climate of opinion February 1962 Ariz Frontiers
The journal of Charles D. Poston, 185-1899 Summer 1957 Ariz Quarterly
The journal of Charles D. Poston, 1850-1899 Summer 1957 Ariz Q
The judge wastes his eloquence January 12, 1958 Ariz Days & Ways
The July 24th celebration at Concho in 1895 July 1951 Ariz Cattlelog
The July 24th celebration at Concho in 1895 July 1951 Ariz Cattlelog
The jumpin' kids from the East Verde October 16, 1960 Ariz Days & Ways
The junior college May 23, 1965 Ariz Days & Ways
The junior college explosion October 16, 1966 Ariz Days & Ways