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Pioneer woman rich in talent September 4, 1955 Ariz Days & Ways
Pioneer woman tells of Woodruff's early days January 3, 1965 Ariz Days & Ways
Pioneer women September 1957 Ariz Cattlelog
Pioneer women September 1957 Ariz Cattlelog
Pioneer women January 1952 Ariz Cattlelog
Pioneer women October 1952 Ariz Cattlelog
Pioneer women! my mother September 1951 Ariz Cattlelog
Pioneer women: "Our Mama," Flora Hanna Mullen October 1954 Ariz Cattlelog
Pioneer women: "Our Mamma" Flora Hanna Mullen October 1954 Ariz Cattlelog
Pioneer women: 69 years in the Gila valley April 1952 Ariz Cattlelog
Pioneer women: 69 years in the Gila valley April 1952 Ariz Cattlelog
Pioneer women: Katie Fritz January 1958 Ariz Cattlelog
Pioneer's prophecy for valley is realized in present scene September 26, 1954 Ariz Days & Ways
Pioneering on the high roads of Arizona March 1918 Ariz
Pioneers March 1954 Ariz Cattlelog
Pioneers "Chopped" their hay July 3, 1966 Ariz Days & Ways
Pioneers in Page November 17, 1957 Ariz Days & Ways
Pioneers of the present June 1969 Ariz Hwys
Pioneers' "good old days" were filled with peril April 17, 1960 Ariz Days & Ways
Pioneers' reunion recalls "world fair" at Payson April 11, 1954 Ariz Days & Ways
Pioneers: 1854-1864, an announcement April 1932 Ariz Hist Rev
Pioneers: Arthur Heath of Verde Valley May 1954 Ariz Cattlelog
Pioneers: Barnett Stiles February 1958 Ariz Cattlelog
Pioneers; the Martins, Cicero and Virginia April 1954 Ariz Cattlelog
Pipe Spring National Monument, a pioneer heritage March 1957 Ariz Hwys
Pipeline to prosperity September 29, 1957 Ariz Days & Ways
Pistoleer April 1952 Ariz Days & Ways
Placing a face on the criminal September 28, 1975 Arizona
Plane pal February 6, 1955 Ariz Days & Ways
Plane pal February 6, 1955 Ariz Days & Ways
Planned for growth June 1958 Ariz Architect
Plans for progress in Phoenix 1959 Arizona Conference on Roads and Streets. Proceedings
Plans for the College of Agriculture October 1958 Ariz Cattlelog
Plastics play vital role in electronics January 9, 1955 Ariz Days & Ways
Plateau wildcat December 1954 Ariz Wildlife Sportsman
Play it again, Eddie Peabody January 17, 1970 Arizona
Playground of the northland August 1923 Ariz
Playing cards, the Indians' skin game December 10 1967 Arizona
Pleasant Valley deserves its name October 15, 1953 Arizona
Pleasant Valley war - revised April 1956 Ariz Cattlelog
Please don't call it flying July 16, 1967 Arizona
Please don't eat the world's record white bass April 12, 1970 Arizona
Please excuse the pants November 1954 Ariz Cattlelog
Please go 'way and let us coach September 25, 1966 Ariz Days & Ways
Please God, don't let them hurt June 10 1974 Arizona
Please pass the protein October 1958 Ariz Cattlelog
Please touch the turtles December 25, 1962 Ariz Days & Ways
Pleasure in art soars in the mile-high city July 5, 1959 Ariz Days & Ways
Plug the bung hole April 1919 Ariz
Plush bar survives time, fire, politics February 7, 1954 Ariz Days & Ways
Poet with a palette September 24, 1961 Ariz Days & Ways
Point of pines January 1954 Ariz Hwys
Policeman part-time; reserve patrol aids the law December 18, 1955 Ariz Days & Ways
Political advocacy and freedom of expression under the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 1976 Ariz State Law J
Political chicanery defeats gas tax bill April 1941 Ariz Municip