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Pasqua and Bab and Easter in the Taliesin tradition April 4, 1971 Arizona
Pasqua and baba and Easter in the Taliesin tradition April 4, 1971 Arizona
Pasqua's Yaqui Indians observe Holy Week April 10 1960 Ariz Days & Ways
Pass mountain recalls a legend May 4, 1958 Ariz Days & Ways
Passing of a Mesa landmark December 30 1962 Ariz Days & Ways
Passing of the giants October 19, 1958 Ariz Days & Ways
Passing the bucks May 22, 1977 Arizona
Passport to adventure: the Aerind Foundation August 1965 Ariz Hwys
Past presidents of the Yavapai Cattle Growers September-October 1961 Ariz Cattlelog
Patience at Portal August 23, 1970 Arizona
Patients in the sky May 2, 1976 Arizona
Patriarch of the Black Hills June 22, 1956 Ariz Days & Ways
Patricia Benton, a voice in the Southwest January 1955 Ariz Hwys
Patrol cars in plain clothes: there is hope they will cut down accidents June 28, 1970 Arizona
Patrol lady January 6, 1957 Ariz Days & Ways
Patrol lady January 6, 1957 Ariz Days & Ways
Patrol on the Kofa range January 1950 Ariz Wildlife Sportsman
Patrol on the Kofa range January 1950 Ariz Wildlife Sportsman
Patsy Pat comes to town to tour through Phoenix stores; writes to home folks of a visit to Dorris-Heyman's and Pratt-Gilbert's. April 1922 Ariz
Patterns of Arizona county finance October 1965 Ariz Rev of Bsns and Public Admin
Patterns of Arizona county finance October 1965 Ariz Rev and Public Admin
Patterns of water use in the Arizona economy December 1966 Ariz Review
Patty plays it like real in "Airport" January 25, 1970 Arizona
Paul E. Blubaum, Maricopa County Sheriff April 1973 Ariz Sheriff
Paul Fannin, governor of Arizona March 1959 Ariz Hwys
Paul H. Rossman November 1971 Ariz Cattlelog
Paul Wiggs: developing development November 1989 Ariz Trend
Pauline Weaver, pioneer scout March 18, 1973 Arizona
Pauline Weaver, pioneer scout March 18, 1973 Arizona
Pauline Weaver, pioneer scout March 18, 1973 Arizona
Pauline Weaver: he worked for peace July 3, 1955 Ariz Days & Ways
Paved national highways March 1919 Ariz
Paved streets of Tucson April 1940 Ariz Municip
Pay TV, Sally Rand and oinons at the Fox March 22, 1970 Arizona
Pay TV, Sally Rand and Onions at the Fox March 22, 1970 Arizona
Paylore recieves Merit Award May 6, 1974 Ariz Daily Wildcat
Payson's Mr. Mail Man January 29, 1956 Ariz Days & Ways
Payson's Mr. Mail Man January 29, 1956 Ariz Days & Ways
PBSW marks 33rd anniversary February 13, 1955 Ariz Days & Ways
PBSW marks 33rd anniversary February 13, 1955 Ariz Days & Ways
PBSW marks 33rd anniversary February 13, 1955 Ariz Days & Ways
PBSW on the move March 10 1963 Ariz Days & Ways
Peace... and fish galore October 20 1957 Ariz Days & Ways
Pearl Hart, a regular ring-tailed cattywampus October 8, 1967 Arizona
Pearl Hart, the last lady road agent January-February 1975 Ariz Sheriff
Pearl Hart, the last lady road agent January-February 1975 Ariz Sheriff
Pedal pushers see the world December 9, 1962 Ariz Days & Ways
Pediatricians treat kids but watch parents February 8, 1976 Arizona
Peeling them off old Camelback May 26, 1974 Arizona
Peeling them off old Camelback May 26, 1974 Arizona
Peeples Valley gets its name from pioneer August 15, 1954 Ariz Days & Ways
Pena Blanca, Arizona's newest park July 13, 1958 Ariz Days & Ways
People are interesting March 14, 1954 Ariz Days & Ways
People are interesting March 14, 1954 Ariz Days & Ways
People are interesting May 2, 1954 Ariz Days & Ways