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(Phoenix signs) October 1964 Ariz Architect
(Photographs throughout issues) May 1975 Ariz Hwys
(portrait) February 12, 1961 Ariz Days & Ways
(Portrait) February 12, 1961 Ariz Days & Ways
(Portrait) February 12 12, 1961 Ariz Days & Ways
(portrait) February 12, 1961 Ariz Days and Ways
(Portrait) November-December 1962 Ariz Sheriff
(Special section on Globe) February 1959 Ariz Wildlife Sportsman
(Special section on Lake Mohave) November 1957 Ariz Wildlife Sportsman
(Special section on Lake Mohave) October 1958 Ariz Wildlife Sportsman
(Special section on Show Low) July 1956 Ariz Wildlife Sportsman
(Special section on Show Low) July 1957 Ariz Wildlife Sportsman
(Special section on Show Low) June 1958 Ariz Wildlife Sportsman
(Special section on Show Low) July 1960 Ariz Wildlife Sportsman
(the cover) 1972 Ariz Architect
(The Globe story) April 10 1955 Ariz Days & Ways
....known as the family home evening. April 14, 1968 Arizona
...largest chicken hatchery in Arizona Arizona - its men
1,001 students welcome you February 25, 1962 Ariz Days & Ways
100 miles of Lonesome April 1969 Ariz Wildlife Sportsman
100 years for the credit: Prescott to celebrate centennial December 8, 1963 Ariz Days & Ways
100 years in the old Tucson August 3, 1969 Arizona
102 phones - all disconnected September 13, 1964 Ariz Days & Ways
11th Arizona National greatest so far December 1958 Ariz Cattlelog
120 years to Kitt Peak January 1963 Ariz Engr and Scientist
12th Arizona National biggest yet December 1959-January 1960 Ariz Cattlelog
13th legislature called worst July 17, 1966 Ariz Days & Ways
14th annual Phoenix gem and mineral show February 25, 1962 Ariz Days & Ways
152 years of service March 18, 1956 Ariz Days & Ways
15th annual Phoenix gem and mineral show February 17, 1963 Ariz Days & Ways
15th Arizona National January 1963 Ariz Cattlelog
17 Arizonans in Guadalajara becoming doctors the hard way April 5, 1970 Arizona
17 Arizonans in Guadalajara becoming doctors the hard way April 5, 1970 Arizona
1870 - Phoenix - 1970. C.O.Brown April 1970 Ariz Hwys
1875 Arizona star route November 1967 Ariz Cattlelog
1875 Arizona star route November 1967 Ariz Cattlelog
1875 Arizona star route November 1967 Ariz Cattlelog
1913 Arizona Tour Book republished September 1976 Ariz Hwys
1913 Arizona Tour Book republished September 1976 Ariz Hwys
1953 - Arizona rainfall April 1954 Ariz Cattlelog
1956 - banner year for the baby state January 1956 Ariz Bsns Bul
1956-1966: the shifting pattern of retail sales in Arizona counties March 1966 Ariz Rev
1966 annual report of executive secretary December 1966 Ariz Cattlelog
1969 in review - th eoutlook for 1970 March 1970 Ariz Rev
1971 cost of living in Phoenix and the United States June-July 1972 Ariz Bsns
1974 Distinguished Library Service Award for School Administrators to Dr. George N. Smith March -April 1974 Ariz Teacher
1975 Maricopa County food prices: rising during recession March 1976 Ariz Bsns
1975: a year of slower growth for Arizona March 1976 Ariz Rev
2,000 horses at First Avenue and McDowell March 8, 1964 Ariz Days & Ways
25 years ago - the death of Tom Mix October 10 1965 Ariz Days & Ways
26 Men September 29, 1957 Ariz Days & Ways
3,000 cattle disappear September 8, 1968 Arizona
33 years in a school bus March 5, 1961 Ariz Days & Ways
33 years in a school bus March 5, 1961 Ariz Days & Ways
4 bedroom, 2 bath, pool, paycheck June 1962 Ariz Today