Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Cook tells the storyr of historic Ft. Rock ranch Young 1958
A century of medicine Yount 1974
A classic auto race Young 1912
A dinner with a "circle" Yetter 1908
A river is born Yeatts 1949
A river is born Yeatts 1949
A river is born Yeatts 1949
A river is born Yeatts 1949
A sketch of the Hopi in 1828 Yount 1942
Agriculture in the mining counties Young 1912
Arizona is worth digging Young 1975
Arizona's towns of the past York 1968
Arizona's towns of the past York 1968
Arizona's towns of the past York 1968
Bargaining unit determination in Arizona and the United States, 1948-1960 Young 1962
Bide-a-wee ranch; story of what one man has done on a five acre plot Young 1913
Cattle drive to Winslow Yost 1957
Chemical refining of copper Yurko 1966
Clyde Cofer Young 1958
Controlling the sun Yellott 1963
Cook tells the story of historic Ft. Rock ranch Young 1958
Cotton a many maker; its certain success as an Arizona product Young 1913
Crossing the Little Colorado Yost 1959
El charco del Yuma Yeatts 1948
Fort Rock Young 1956
From soda to hock Young 1955
Geomorphological implications of pre-Colorado and Colorado tributary drainage in the western Grand Canyon region Young 1970
Geomorphological implications of pre-Colorado and Colorado tributary drainage in the western Grand Canyon region Young 1970
Henry Folkner Gaddis Young 1958
Hospitals in Prescott Yount 1976
How Arizona entertains Young 1912
I was born in the dark ages... Yellowhair 1960
I was born in the dark ages... Yellowhair 1960
In search of a home Young 1914
In the wake of John Wesley Powell Young 1969
In the White Mountains, the angler's paradise Young 1913
Ingleside, Scottsdale and environs Young 1914
Ingleside, Scottsdale and environs Young 1914
Inidians of today Yazz
Jim Mahone, Hualapai scout Young 1957
John Wesley Powell Young 1968
Locating the Colorado River mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicuner Yates 1972
Locating the Colorado River mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicuner Yates 1972
Locating the Colorado River mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicuner Yates 1972
Location the Colorado River mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicuner Yates 1972
Looking forward Young 1911
Major chromosome of races of larrea divaricata in North America Yang 1970
Mineral Strip rancher Young 1973
Mineral Strip rancher Young 1973
Mineral Strip rancher Young 1973
Mobile home living after 65 Yoshino, Buck 1964
Mobile home living after 65 Yoshino 1964
Modern pollen rain in the Sonoran Desert Hevly, Mehringer, Yocum 1965
Modern pollen rain in the Sonoran Desert Hevly, Mehringer, Yocum 1965
Navajo place names in Gallup, New Mexico Young 1947