Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Lonely lookout Willard 1955
Lonely lookout Willard 1955
Long history of delay proceeded expansion of Yuma sewerage system Win 1956
Long-haired sheriff was no bluffer Willson 1962
Long-vanished Mill City once vied as townsite for the city of Phoenix Willson 1958
Long-vanished Mll City once vied as townsite for the city of Phoenix Willson 1958
Look what's happened to the little houses on north Third Street Welch 1972
Looking at the future of our national parks Winstad 1973
Los Angeles murderer captured by Arizona Sheriff Willson 1959
Los Angeles murderer captured by Arizona Sheriff Willson 1959
Los Charros Weisman 1990
Lost Apache gold in the Little Horn mountains Weight 1957
Lost Craters of the Moon Willson 1967
Lost Dutchman still lost Willson 1968
Lost Frenchman mine Willson 1974
Lost gold in the sands of La Posa Weight 1961
Lost in the mountains with a herd of cattle Willson 1958
Lost in the mountains with a herd of cattle Willson 1958
Lost lead/silver vein on New River Waldeck 1974
Lost mine stories exaggerated Willson 1965
Lost mission of the Colorado Weight 1950
Lost rancho on the Gila Weight 1956
Lost rancho on the Gila Weight 1956
Lost silver in the Trigos Weight 1959
Lost silver in the Trigos Weight 1957
Lucky for us all Williams 1974
Lung cancer Weinrach 1975
Ma and Pa Willson wonder: Where is our wandering boy? Willson 1958
Mad dog Downing meets doom at hands of Arizona Ranger Willson 1956
Magic rocks of the Saucedas Weight 1949
Magic rocks of the Saucedas Weight 1949
Magma geologist describes early days of old mines Willson 1961
Making dreams come true Whitney 1932
Making 'em laugh Willson 1975
Mamie Aguirre, Arizona pioneer Willson 1971
Mamie Aguirre, Arizona pioneer Willson 1971
Manna in the desert was known to Indians Willson 1963
Manpower shortage? Look to the junior college Wilcox 1967
Many lost mines in Aizona Willson 1971
Many problems confronted early-day cattle industry Willson 1961
Marauding Indians defeat Bully Bueno Mine project Willson 1957
Marching with spirit Witt 1962
Maricopa and Yavapai sheriffs act in Goddard murder Willson 1962
Maricopa County construction activity: 1968 Winkleman 1969
Maricopa County construction survey: 1970 Winkleman 1971
Maricopa County: 1969's construction boom Winkelman 1970
Marietta and the King of Siam Wright 1959
Marietta and the King of Siam Wright 1959
Marion Lee, 1882 Willson 1957
Mark of the centipede Woodson 1946
Marshal of old Pinal scares would-be badman Willson 1963
Marshal of old Pinal scares would-be badman Willson 1963
Martinez - destroyed by a rich mine Woodruff 1965
Massacre at Skeleton Cave Willson 1975
Massacre of a family Willson 1976