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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Early medical conditions in Arizona Whitmore 1972
Early medical conditions in Arizona Whitmore 1972
Early mining in Arizona Wilsonk 1946
Early mining was risky Willson 1974
Early settler regains health from the West's rugged ways Willson 1957
Early-day forts protected the frontier Willson 1963
Early-day Indian troubles Willson 1975
Early-day merchant Willson 1976
Early-day merchant Willson 1976
Echoes of the Apache wars Washburn 1900
Eco-awareness Winsted 1972
Ecological history of DDT in Arizona Ware 1974
Ecology of a warm spring in southern Arizona Winkler 1976
Ed Hill: born to grocer Williams 1989
Editorial on the dedication of a monument to the Code Talkers Windsor 1989
Edward William Nelson Willson 1974
Effects of Environmental and cultural limitations upon Hohokam agriculture, southern Arizona Woodbury, Ressler
Ehrenberg was a pioneer Willson 1973
Ehrenberg was a pioneer Willson 1973
Ehrenberg was a pioneer Willson 1973
El Rancho Escondido del Desierto Willson 1972
El Rio Colorado del Sur White 1872
Eleventh territorial legislature settled many early-day problems Willson 1961
Elfs of the saguaros Walker 1947
Enemy offers hospitality to fearless Captain Hardy Willson 1958
Energy 'shortage' attributed to price rise limitations Wenders 1974
English visitor dazzles the natives of Willcox Willson 1963
English visitor dazzles the natives of Willcox Willson 1963
Ephedra ---nearly everyone has a name for it! Weight 1977
Epic fight for survival Willson 1968
Equitable appointment of federal estate tax in Arizona Wintermute 1975
Ernest Warren Chilson, 1915- Willson 1956
Escape from Navajo land Woods 1944
Esquiminzin - rascal or martyr? Willson 1970
Esquiminzin - rascal or martyr? Willson 1970
Establishing Canyon de Chelly National Monument: a study in Navajo and government relations Willson 1976
Establishing Canyon de Chelly National Monument: a study in Navajo and government relations Wilson 1976
Eternal summer Weese 1955
Every step of the way. Waters 1972
Everybody's in to tennis Welch 1974
Evidence strong James White first through Grand Canyon Willson 1964
Evidence strong James White first through Grand Canyon Willson 1964
Excavations at Pueblo del Monte and the Classic Period Hohokam problem Weaver 1973
Excavations at Pueblo del Monte and the Classic Period Hohokam problem Weaver 1973
Excavations at Valshni Village, Arizona Withers 1973
Exploring the "lost hundered" Webster 1974
Exploring the "lost hundred" Webster 1974
Exploring the upper Verde Weece 1972
Eyewitness proved wrong Willson 1974
Facing honesty with honesty Wischnia 1974
False teeth or a wig best security for debt Willson 1964
Famed Indian scout dubbed 'Iron Man' by Apaches Willson 1959
Famed Indian scout dubbed 'Iron Man' by Apaches Willson 1959
Fates avenge death of a man and his dog Willson 1956
Fates avenge death of a man and his dog Willson 1956