Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
A famous farm valley: the Salt River Valley, Arizona Welch 1914
A famous farm valley; the Salt River Valley Welch 1914
A fast cookie in 1, 320 feet of drag West 1974
A fast cookie in the 1,320 feet of drag West 1974
A fight with the Yaquis at Bear Valley, 1918 Wharfield 1963
A fighting crusader Watterson 1958
A four hundred pound buck! Welch 1929
A funny thing happened to me on the way to the police station West 1963
A gambler with a heart Willson 1967
A gambling house holdup Willson 1958
A gentle revolt Weisman 1975
A gift of life Winsted 1974
A girl who knows the score Wischnia 1971
A girl who knows the score Wischnia 1971
A governor's wife plants a rose Willson 1967
A guide to bankruptcy Williams 1989
A guide to the lures of Scottsdale Welch 1971
A half century of tracking the hohokam Walker 1976
A history of biological research in the Grand Canyon region Wertheimer 1975
A history of cattle branding in Arizona Wagoner 1952
A home for ten thousand years Wadaworth 1955
A home for ten thousand years: the oldest continuously occupied place known in America Wadsworth 1955
A horse theft leads to ruthless murderers Willson 1955
A journey over lava-scarred hills leads to vast craters and bighorns Willson 1956
A kind of commitment Warner 1973
A kind of commitment Warner 1973
A Kino Triptych Whiting 1952
A legend of Camelback mountain Welsh 1909
A 'little old Arizona cowboy' enjoys excitement of banditry Willson 1957
A little sunburnt Willson 1968
A little umpire in the Little League Wischnia 1974
A long residence at the Biltmore Weller 1974
A long residence at the Biltmore Weller 1974
A lost observatory Willson 1968
A m,an and his horse can be true buddies Willson 1961
A magnificent man named Matt --- Waters 1975
A man for his time Winkels 1977
A Marylander remembers "good old days" in Phoenix Willson 1959
A matter of survival Winters 1959
A Mexican Cattle deal Willson 1968
A million dollar burro Willson 1974
A mining report from Owl Heads Buttes Wilbur 1975
A narrow escape Willson 1975
A navajo antelope hunt Watson 1965
A Navajo antelope hunt Watson 1965
A Navajo anthropomorphic figurine Ward 1970
A Navajo medicine bundle for Shootingway Wyman 1972
A necktie party Willson 1974
A new awakening of Navajo medicine Walsh 1971
A new look at the state-financed Central Arizona Project Wall 1967
A new name for bright kids Ward 1977
A new name for bright kids Ward 1977
A new name for bright kids Ward 1977
A New Yorker in Monument Valley Weber 1976
A night in Apache country at Old Fort Bowie Whitaker 1963