Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
25 years ago - the death of Tom Mix Unger 1965
A basket of the Lord Unger 1967
A capitol on the desert Udall 1969
A chained dog: the Indian-fighting army Utley 1973
A chained dog: the Indian-fighting army Utley 1973
A chained dog: the Indian-fighting army Utley 1973
A clever clown and his contraptions Unger 1964
A real family reunion Unger 1966
Apache artist in Pimaland Unger 1963
Arizona vanquished Utley 1969
Arizona vanquished Utley 1969
Arizona, its promise and challenge Udall 1962
Arizona's earliest highways III: Onate and Garces Udall 1990
Arizona's earliest highways III: Onate and Garces Udall 1990
Arizona's earliest highways III: O Udall 1990
Arizona's heroes of civilization Unger 1958
Armistice Day apathy inspires post to "Soldier's Soliloquy" Unger 1954
Billboards or scenery ... which will it be? Udall 1962
Billboards or scenery ...which will it be? Udall 1962
Blue jets of the desert Underwood 1952
Blue jets of the desert Underwood 1952
Bulls, cows, calves clean up in Scottsdale Unger 1964
Can federal architecture be creative Udall 1963
Can federal architecture be creative? Udall 1963
Dates in Arizona Underwood 1922
Guidebook to the geology of the San Francisco Peak, Arizona Updike 1970
Hamlin Garland and the Navajos Underhill 1972
Help for homeowners who cannot help themselves Unger 1970
Little fish, big catch Unger 1961
Man of the mountain Underhill 1950
Men of the mountain Underhill 1950
Men of the mountain Underhill 1950
Mormon colonization in Arizona Udall 1958
Mr. Flag Man Unger 1956
Out of the wilds - a medical genius Unger 1970
Papago child training Underhill 1944
Papago child training Underhill 1944
Papago rain festival Underhill 1966
Phoenix landmark Unger 1958
Polo at the University of Arizona Upton 1927
Polo at the University of Arizona Upton 1928
Rabies - a public health problem in Maricopa County Ueckett, Farnsworth 1961
Spy in the sky Unger 1963
The Bascom affair: a reconstruction Utley 1961
The Bascom affair: a reconstruction Utley 1961
The Bascom affair: a reconstruction Utley 1961
The bola tie Ullman 1966
The Colorado River pact Underwood 1923
The ethnobiology of the Papago Indians Castetter, Underhill 1935
The ethnobiology of the Papago Indians Castetter, Underhill 1935
The ethnobiology of the Papago Indians Castetter, Underhill 1935
The new Quarternary formation in northern Arizona Updike, Pewe 1970
The past and future of old Fort Bowie Utley 1964
The priest in the wheelchair Unger 1969
The remarkable Dr. Montezuma Unger 1966