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Article Title Author Last Name Year
[Diary] Tenney 1949
1960 northeast Navajo Mountain survey Turner 1961
1960 northeast Navajo Mountain survey Turner 1961
600 pounds of con Tactius 1967
600 pounds of con. Tacitus 1967
A burial from Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, northeast Arizona Jones, Turner 1976
A cool tub in hot water Tallon 1966
A cowboy who can't be forgotten Totty 1952
A description of Sonora in 1772 Thomas 1933
A dip to remember Tallon 1966
A dying custom Tortortell 1976
A dying custom Tortortell 1976
A guide to Arizona's resorts and hotels Trigg 1989
A guide to Arizona's resorts and hotels Trigg 1989
A hunter's paradise Tinker 1931
A man called Geronimo Thrapp 1976
A mule on the dodge Tallon 1967
A Partial section of Escabrosa limestone in the Caliuro Mountains Thomssen, Barber 1958
A Pima County copper employment forecasting model Taylor 1975
A Pima County copper employment forecasting model Taylor 1975
A real rodeo queen Tallon 1966
A regular hand with the cowboy outfit Tallon 1974
A royoal treasure vault? Taylor 1968
A sewerage system Travaini 1940
a small package of dynamite-the spotted skunk Turkowski 1972
A story about peaches; resources of the mesas and canyons in the mountain country Taylor 1919
A tale of two forts Thrapp 1967
A theater in the desert Taylor 1931
A theater in the desert Taylor 1931
A tourist who came to stay Tower 1963
Activities Tanner 1942
Additional archaeological data form upper Grand Canyon: Nankoweap to Unkar revisited Taylor 1966
Agate hunting along Gila Taylor 1952
Agate hunting along the Gila Taylor 1952
Ah-ve-koov-o-tut, ancient home of the Mojave Thomas 1945
Along the Navajo Trail Tallon 1963
Among the Apaches Tassin 1889
Among the Apaches Tassin 1889
Among the Apaches Tassin 1889
Among the Apaches pt.1 Tassin 1889
Among the Apaches pt2 Tassin 1889
Amphibians and reptiles of Flagstaff, Arizona Aitchison, Tomko 1974
Amphibians and the reptiles of Flagstaff, Arizona Aitohison, Tomko 1974
An analysis of some salt samples from the Southwest Taylor 1954
An analysis of some salt samples from the Southwest Taylor 1954
An analysis of some salt samples from the Southwest Taylor 1954
An animal's best friends: profile of two crusaders against cruelty Terlizzi 1973
An Arizona collector taken with tokens Thrapp 1977
An early slabhouse near Kayenta, Arizona Taylor 1954
Ancients dangle daringly Tallon 1967
Ancients dangled daringly Tallon 1967
Angel's eye view of Arizona Tiedemann 1969
Angel's eye view of Arizona Tiedemann 1966
Anomalous Arizona Thorndyke 1919
Are the desert bighorns doomed? Tinkham 1955