Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
A Visit to Apache Lake Reed 1950
A Western welcome for the Cubs Rinehart 1967
A-camping we will go. Richmond 1973
Accomplishments of 1930 Rucker 1931
Adrift in a desert; the descent of the lower Colorado Robinson 1893
Aerial discoveries in the Grand Canyon Reilly 1960
Agate-seamed butte at Bouse Rannon 1953
Agate-seamed butte at Bouse Ransom 1953
Air pollution, a threat to the Valley Randolph 1961
Airport' marks new dimension in entertainment Rosefsky 1970
Ajo entertains its children Rees 1967
Ajo entertains its children Rees 1967
Akimoel Awatam, the river people Robinson 1955
Albert Franklin Banta: Arizona Pioneer Reeve 1952
Albert Franklin Banta: Arizona pioneer Reeve 1952
Albert Franklin Banta: Arizona pioneer Reeve 1952
Albert Franklin Banta: Arizona pioneer Reeve 1952
Albert Franklin Banta: Arizona pioneer Reeve 1952
Albert Franklin Banta: Arizona pioneer Reeve 1952
Albert Franklin Banta: Arizona pioneer Reeve 1953
Albert Franklin Banta: Arizona pioneer Reeve 1953
All wet Rinehart 1968
Ambos Nogales; the twin cities of Nogales Roth 1962
American folklore Riordan 1974
American folklore Riordan 1974
Among the air traffic controllers in ulcer alley Rosefsky 1968
An archaeological wedding journey; in Moqui land Russell 1906
An hour with Harold Bell Wright Rebel 1926
An interview with Arizona's first Director of Agriculture, Keith Kelley Rayner 1990
An officer and a killer Rubin 1989
An old house crumbling Ridgway 1963
An outline of Yuma prehistory Rogers 1945
An outline of Yuman prehistory Rogers 1945
Ancient cities of northern Arizona Regan 1929
Another Will Rogers - Arizona-style Ridgway 1960
Apache cattle, horses and men Reed 1954
Archaeology returns to the public Redman 1989
Arizona attractions: the White Mountains Roth 1962
Arizona businesses support higher public expenditures Rex 1989
Arizona Cattle Growers' Association 26th annual convention Ronstadt 1932
Arizona county names Rigby 1960
Arizona drug store operations, 1951 Ringstrom 1953
Arizona drug store operations, 1951 and 1953 Ringstrom 1955
Arizona economic activity: 1974; a panel discussion Ross 1974
Arizona enters the oil sweepstakes Roseksy 1968
Arizona flagstone Robertson 1954
Arizona insurance with Old George, Young Dick Rippey 1967
Arizona mining chapter Robinaon 1915
Arizona on display Richards 1932
Arizona railroads past and present Rees 1964
Arizona real estate and the future Headington, Rasor 1955
Arizona salutes the Dons Club of Phoenix Rostovaky 1962
Arizona State University --- Yes! Rubinoff 1973
Arizona State University --- Yes! Rubinoff 1973
Arizona State University ---Yes! Rubinoff 1973